Friday, July 12, 2024

Left Shoulder Replacement 8 months later, FULLY HEALED

In reality it was fully healed around the 6-month mark. I stopped doing my physical therapy exercises at that point. The shoulder is 100% as good as it can be. It gets stiff once in a while, especially jostling it while running. And I can't shoot a basketball lefty anymore which was my strong hand. My form however righthanded is butter. I can play golf!  I hit balls in the middle of May and then went down to Naples. Broke 90 first time out with the new shoulder.  I couldn't do that with the old shoulder!  Then the third time out, did it again in Connecticut! I'm an out of state golfer.  Was supposed to play 36 this weekend, alas it's going to pour tomorrow. 

All I have a scar from the top of my shoulder to my pec. The bride thinks it looks bad ass.  Right shoulder has been good. My goal is to not try and mess that up too soon, though the flexibility is gone.  I can't throw a baseball 30 feet anymore and played 3rd base on the big diamond. These days, that throw is about a par 3.

Workouts are the same.  Total body, one exercise each body part, 3 sets of 8-12.  Mixing up the different plated hammer strength machines.  I can do safety bar squats, and double 55 front squats.  Holding the bells in the rack was a huge victory. I tried to press an 18 lb. bell on the left side.  No bueno. I can't extend fully.  Tried doing a double clean and jerk with 25 lb. bells, just out of curiosity, nope. For shoulder exercises, I do shrugs and double swings.  That's it.  Still do two hand swings every week. I use the wheelbarrow sled now instead of the prowler. 

As I said before, the Echo Bike has been the biggest game changer for my fitness. My heartrate runs between 47 - 51. In March, I found this blog with 30 Brutal Assault Bike Workouts. I was doing them 2-3 times a week, they get progressively harder. I have been stuck at number 19 for a while.  I try it once a week. The good news is I was able to do 12 miles at over 200 watts average which for me is cooking, and I'm able to run 5 miles at a clip outdoors.  My foot has held up well. I'm convinced one session on the elliptical machine screwed it up.  Never again. 

Diet has been meh.  Didn't drink for 8 weeks, lost 18 lb. gained 5lb. back. Went to a college reunion with my buddies in Springfield, MA at the MGM Casino. Made it to 11 PM and my buddy decided enough was enough and bought me a glass of 14-year-old Oban scotch.  Leaped and did a somersault off that wagon. Yes sir.  Then proceeded to lose $200 at the video poker and blackjack table. Was so bored trying to get things going, I doubled on a 9 vs. an 8 and split sevens for shits and giggles.  Hadn't been in a casino in 2 years since I was at the Mirage (RIP) and on a cruise ship to Bermuda.  I won on the ship and told the bride not to let me go back in there. 

Went to the doctor for a physical in April. I was so proud of myself until I saw my cholesterol level,  277!  Doctor told me it's from INTERMITTENT FASTING.  Told me to knock it off. Gladly.  My HDL (good) was 78 and I'm off blood pressure medication.  I eat too many eggs and have too much salt. 

In other big news, I have an old job back. The PT placement business was a disaster. What could go wrong did.  I left the placement industry 10 years ago because I started hating candidates.  They have gotten MUCH WORSE.  Over analyzing everything, too many questions, too many demands, unrealistic expectations.  The worst industry in the world to work in is physical therapy. Going in debt to get a Doctorate in PT just to make $85 K. Clinic owners' margins are razor thin and they can't pay fees or people. Lesson learned.  Good thing my stock portfolio is kicking butt and taking names.  Fantastic 5. 

What I love about my new/old job is it's a new company and all the trash got taken out. There's only 3 people left that I used to work with. Maybe 4.  Jumped right back in like Carl Yastrzemski going back to left field for the 1975 World Series.  God, I'm dating myself.  I just used 2 spaces after the period as well. Here's Captain Carl vs. the Reds that October. Red Sox won that World Series 3 games to 4. LOL

Very pleased with my Celtics winning their 18th championship.  The Lakers may have 17, but 5 were in Minneapolis. And does the bubble count with that poser/fraud Lebron James?  He's such a passive aggressive clown that the Lakers will never win with him again.

Words and phrases that have been driving me crazy.  "Vibe," The "vibe" of the MGM was really cool. Using "super" as a modifier. Whatever happened to the word "really." As in Hi, I'm Brian and I'm SUPER EXCITED to share this blog with you.  New one from my job, "robust data."  What does that even mean? And finally, the word "journey."  Everything is a darn journey these days.  We had a mid-year presentation and the vapid CHRO used the word journey 8 times in the first 7 minutes. Throw in she started off with "I'm super excited" to begin the presentation.  I hung up after 10 minutes.  Wasn't making me any money. Voyage, trek, passage anyone?  I told my soon to be finance major senior in college to get a job in HR. Big bucks for dumb ducks.

I'm late to the party. Get Your Ya-Ya's Out by the Rolling Stones and Live at Leeds by The Who (extended version) have been my go-to music while doing cardio.  One would think that a 13 minute My Generation might be a tad self-indulgent?  NOPE.  And the Amazing Journey (title of song, from 1970, not used as a word) medley into Summertime Blues HNNNNGGGGGGG.  The Stones sound SO tight and Mick Taylor ripping the lead guitar on Live with Me is phenomenal. 

Pick your favorite conspiracy. Michelle Obama was born a man, or we landed on the Moon in 1969.  The former bares the question, who is more confused? Joe Biden at the debate or Michelle's gynecologist? The latter, "I can't get Wi-Fi in some parts of my house, how did they stream film and have a call from the Moon?"

Thursday, February 29, 2024

15 Weeks Post Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Today, the Leap Year, was a triumphant day. For the first time since pre-surgery, I was able to do a total body weightlifting workout.  It felt GREAT.  I was nice and loose, and my shoulders felt fantastic. I have been going to the gym 6 days a week. Doing legs with machines and the Echo Bike or Stairmaster, Treadmill or Sled.  I received the clearance from my physical therapist to "try it and go light."  The only upper body stuff I've done were TRX rows, band chest presses, band curls and band triceps press downs. I've been doing my physical therapy exercises 5 days a week and it's been a surprisingly easy recovery.  The rotator cuff in the back of my shoulder is still weak, but I have 150 degrees of motion and no pain.  It does get stiff and there is a lot of work left to do.  

I had the surgery on November 17. Because they put a nerve blocker in my neck my pinky was numb for two days.  I thought I would have pierced pain post-surgery, but it was nothing more than an intense dull ache. I was in a sling for 2 weeks.  For the first 6 days, I took Tylenol and Advil regularly and 5 mg of oxycodone once a night for sleeping purposes.  I stopped all pain relievers after 6 days. Didn't want any junk in my body.

I met with the doctor after 2 weeks to get the staples out. They were itching, but the orthopedist was really happy and said, "see you in 6 months."  I took off the sling and started physical therapy.  I've been dedicated to it as well as the homework exercises which have gotten progressively harder.  It takes about 35 minutes to do all of them and when a new one is added it is a nice reminder of how far I still have to go.  The physical therapist asked me to put my arm behind my back and see how far I could reach up my back. I barely got above my waist. She had me do it again, put a towel in my left hand and draped the slack over my right shoulder, put the other end in my right hand in the front and said, "pull and hold."  That might have been the most painful think I've done in a LONG time. But now, I can reach to the middle of my back.  

Today's lousy rehab exercise is lie on your stomach face down. Clasp your hands behind your head. Squeeze your shoulder blades today and lift your elbows off the ground.  It's laughable how hard it is and how weak the rotator cuff still is.

The cardio end of my workouts has been going fantastic.  I can do 10 miles on the Echo Bike or 10 minutes of HIIT sprints. I can run for 20 minutes at a 9 minute/clip on the treadmill and having great Stairmaster workouts.  My resting heart rate is 46-53 and FINALLY, I've locked in my diet.  I did get fat after surgery.  Ballooned to almost 205 and that was my cue to do something.  Ate like a complete asshole, throw in some weekend drinking and I was the Michelin man. I am down almost 10 lb. to 195, with at least 10 probably15 lb. to go. I've been doing the Kettlebell Burn Extreme Diet and recovery methods. It's working. I fasted twice for over 40 hours no problem and am locked in on day 11. It is amazing how the metabolism slows down at spry age of 55. I've discovered the cheat code for the cold exposure.  My gym has a nice sauna that is over 175 degrees.  Sit in there for 15-20 minutes, then jump into the cold shower.  It makes it a treat after sweating out the toxins.  I'm also getting walks in 5 days a week in the afternoon and over 10,000 steps. The hardest part of the diet in the first week was the no carb days, but this week, it's been much easier.

But isn't this a kettlebell blog?  Ok here it is. I can do and have done goblet squats with a 24 kg and anywhere from 100-300 two-hand swings, multiple times.  That's it.  A couple of weeks ago, I was showing someone a snatch at the gym and did a 24 with my right hand for 2 reps.  It was a shock when I got to the top how heavy it felt.  I'm never pressing again, it's not worth it. I also was fooling around with my dog, on the floor and did a Turkish Getup with no weight off the floor.  Zero coordination, it took me 2 tries

Today's workout, Machine calf raises 3 x 10, Hammer Strength Seated Rows 5x10 with a 45 lb. plate on each side.  Machine chest press 40 lb. 3 x 10. Hammer Strength Shrugs 45 on each end 3 x 10. Goblet Squats 5 x 10. Deadlift 135 lb. 3 x 10, machine curls and triceps extensions 3 x 10 40 lb.  Nice and slow and easy.  

It's GREAT to be back.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

55th Year Tuneup and DO NOT DO THE RITE OF PASSAGE White Album Review

Welp, the time has come. SHOULDER REPLACEMENT SURGERY on my left shoulder on November 16.  The cortisone shots were working for less time and my range of motion was lessening. When putting on pit rub or combing your hair is an effort, it's time to address what's wrong. 6 weeks in a sling, right through the New Year.  Currently practicing shaving and brushing my teeth with my right hand. Three- month recuperation, will be ready by spring.  Going to PT twice a week to make the muscles around the shoulder stronger and to pre-habilitate my right shoulder which isn't great either.

I also need a protein injection in my right cornea to keep it from degenerating and starting Wednesday, removing some pre-cancerous skin blemishes from my face. Going to use an ointment that will turn my face completely red on the left side.  Use for 4 weeks. It's basically, chemo ointment.  Good times, going to look fantastic on the family Christmas card.

Been going to the gym. Physically in good shape, can lose 10 lb. but the engine and cardio are strong.  Echo Bike, Sled, Kettlebell Swings, and Hands-free Stairmaster intervals.  The Echo Bike is the nastiest piece of equipment, I've used in a LONG time.  Worked my way up to 19 miserable minutes, adding 1 each time. Tabata on it is the WORST. Now if I could re-lock in my diet, we'd be in business.

So, what caused all this shoulder problems?  Kettlebell volume.  All the pressing and snatching wore the cartilage down to a nub.  I also didn't start until I was 40 and already had mileage on me. All this work pressing double 70's for reps, snatching a 55, 200 times a couple times a week. Dumb dumb dumb.

I'm not saying don't do presses or snatches, I'm saying, pick a volume and go no higher.  For example, the Rite of Passage has you pressing 3x a week. 30 reps, 50 reps and 75 reps each arm, while doing pullups in between sets.  Recipe for disaster.  Both are brutal on the shoulders.  The ideal reps' scheme is 25-50 reps twice a week.  Lose the heavy day.  Grease the groove instead. Most people when they get to 32kg/70 lb. start getting nicked up. I'd say, for most average men, under 225 lb. don't go higher than a 24kg/52 lb. bell most of the time.  

Snatching is just as bad.  Think of the rolling of the ball and socket as it goes over your head.  Is that really good for your shoulders?  I love the exercise but 50 reps MAX per arm a couple of times a week and NEVER heavy.  Meaning no higher than 24kg/52lb. if you aren't interested in tennis elbow.  

I have no one to blame but myself.  I was the ignorant one. I love working with kettlebells, it's just now my time is over with them. Don't get fooled by programs that tell you, to keep banging your head against the wall to achieve 1/2 your body weight press and 200 snatches in 10 minutes.  Showing up, putting in the work, is all that counts. For the last 30 years, my weight has been between 180-200. It doesn't matter if I was running 5/3/1 and squatting 3 plates for 10 or doing 155 lb. with the safety bar.  Or pressing 70's for 3-5 reps or just doing shrugs.  I look the same. Maybe older, fatter and less muscular, but not much of a difference.  

This is not meant to be bitter.  It's reality and I hope others will learn the lesson. I'd be weary of any pressing programs that have you doing it 3x a week for volume. Including THE GIANT. What's the end game?  Squat instead, do rows, swings. 

Quick recap of the Beatles' 1968 White Album.  They did everything better than everyone else.  The Beach Boys in Back in the USSR, hard rock with Helter Skelter, the blues with Yer Blues and Why Don't We Do It in the Road? Music hall with Martha My Dear, Rock with While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Country with Rocky Racoon and Don't Pass Me By.  

30 songs, uneven, a hot mess. You could easily cull 9 songs off of it. Revolution 9, Long, Long, Long, Everybody Has Something To Hide, Rocky Racoon, Bungalow Bill, Wild Honey Pie, Piggies, Goodnight, Cry Baby Cry, and I would even lop Birthday to make it 10. Dumb lyrics.  

I really don't like most of John Lennon's stuff on here. Yer Blues is awesome and so is Sexy Sadie. Mommy issues and wanting to revert to a child with Bungalow Bill, Julia (McCartney with an acoustic singing is WAY better than Lennon), Dear Prudence (no wonder why she wouldn't come out to play). Revolution 9 should have been put on Two Virgins.  I always thought Happiness is a Warm Gun is overrated (ironic a warm gun killed him). I like Glass Onion, Dear Prudence, and I'm So Tired.  He peaked in 1965.

Back in the USSR and While My Guitar Gently Weeps are spectacular. Mother Nature's Son is better than Blackbird.  

Friday, August 4, 2023

Album Reviews Beach Boys Pet Sounds and Locking In The Diet

 Good news, I have been LOCKED IN fitness wise for the past 3 weeks. Workouts have been fantastic, diet has been perfect, and a fresh cortisone shot in my shoulder at the end of June has worked wonders along with my PT exercises.  I'm not ready to announce the whole program but will talk about it when I complete it.  The only time I use kettlebells are for 2 hand swings, farmer walks and double front squat.  I don't press overhead anymore.  There's no reason to, and it hurts.  I don't do Turkish Getups anymore or snatches.  The goal is not to get hurt. 

Exercises: Safety Bar Squat, Leg Press, Hack Squat, Kettlebell Front Squat. Deadlift, 225-275. Two hand swings 24-48 kg. (A 48 kg set of 10 two hand swings makes a set of 32 kg swings feel like a toy), Machine chest press, cable chest press, Iso-Max Chest Press, Shrugs, Machine Pulldowns and Rows, Machine and cable triceps and curls, HIIT with the StairMaster (10 rounds) Push prowler (180 lb.) Low bar and vertical bars. 10 rounds.  

Total body workout 3-4 days a week.  3-5 sets of 10-15 reps. 

What works for me.  

1. Don't eat until Noon

2. Weigh yourself no more than 1 x per week. 

3. Let me put this in bold capitalized letters LOGGING MY FOOD

4. Drink a gallon of water a day

5. Take Metameucil, one TBS with 2 TBS of lemon juice and 2 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar with water. Chug.  

6. No alcohol

7. A 45–60-minute walk daily which leads to the title of this blog.

Why these steps have worked. 

I usually finish my dinner by 7 PM. This means, I am fasting for a minimum 16 hours. I work out fasted, so it sets up some good fat burning.

Whether it's golf, fasting, sales revenue or weighing myself.  When I chase numbers, I make myself miserable. I put no stock in the scale, because it depends on how much water I'm holding. The best measure is the tape measure around the navel.  If I eat clean and practice good habits, I'm getting healthier. 

Logging food and water is a game changer. I use the MyfitnessPal app. Simple, just input what you eat.  You can also link it to your GoogleFit. You can log your water as well. It works because it holds me accountable.  I'm not going to log, ate 1/2 bag of Cape Cod Chips.  Or drank 4 scotches and had a Five Guys for lunch the next day.  

The gallon of water a day can be overkill and can be a pain in the bladder.  It helps wash out your body and keeps you full.  Especially if hunger pangs occur around 9:30 AM. First thing in morning before coffee, I drink 14 oz. of water.  Dehydration from the night before is immediately eliminated. 

I've praised the wonderful effects of Metameucil on this blog.  It's a great mid-afternoon snack, if you have the 3 PM pangs.  It fills you up.  If you don't want to drink it, you're not really hungry. Plus, it clears you out beautifully.

Alcohol doesn't love you back.  It makes you fat and leads to poor eating decisions that night and the next day.  

Walking is awesome. Low impact, good for everything. 

My son was able to get me unlimited Spotify. When I go to the gym or walk outside, I don't wear headphones.  I like socializing and hearing what's going on around me.  Plus, they're really not so great for hearing.  I have a little ringing in my ears from time to time and my doctor mentioned. they're starting to believe it's the brain making up for hearing loss. 

I walk with my phone in my pocket and blast music. Currently, I listened to Pet Sounds and now I'm going through the Beatles catalogue. 

Let's review Pet Sounds Released 1966

Rating 10+/10

Pros:    Best album of all time.  Absolutely brilliant, Especially the 2nd side. Has the greatest love song ever "God Only Knows." Unbelievable instrumentation and production.  Best listened to with, gulp, a good set of headphones.  Beautiful vocals, great material

Cons: Beach Boys didn't play most of the instruments.  The Wrecking Crew did. 

I listened to this for the first time six months ago in Florida and was blown away by it.  Wouldn't It Be Nice, kicks it off, and then the next 3 songs are probably the weakest on the album.  They're good songs, but not great. You Still Believe In Me, That's Not Me, and Don't Talk.  I remember thinking, "it's fine, I don't get it though." Then, I heard Waiting For The Day with the percussion banging away, and I thought, this is good. Followed by an instrumental, Let's Go Away For A While, which sounds like background music to a love excursion in the 1960's. Then comes Sloop John B, great song.  Then, God Only Knows which is sung by 19-year-old Carl Wilson. The greatest love song ever opens up with the lyric, "I may not always love you." Unreal. Next is I Know There's An Answer which is about Brian Wilson dabbling in LSD.  The song is extremely catchy with the sleigh bells, and carnival sound. It's like being at a Christmas festival. Here Today follows and is my favorite song on the album.  The horns, organ, bass are amazing.  I Just Wasn't Made For These Times is an autobiographical song by Brian Wilson trying to figure out where he fits in.  He had quit touring with the Beach Boys and was creating this masterpiece while they were on tour, at the age of 23. Unfortunately, it was a sign of these to come regarding his mental state. The second instrumental and title track Pet Sounds is next. It's pleasant enough and the album ends with Caroline, No about a girl who has changed.  Finally at the end of the album there is a bunch of sounds, that the Beatles would copy on later songs and albums. You can really hear the influence that this album had on the Beatles' later albums.  

I'm a HUGE Beatle fan and this is better than any album they put out.  

Next Post will be Please Please Me, With The Beatles and A Hard Day's Night. 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Emptying the Drawer on Fitness

 1. My Planet Fitness gym sucks.  There I said it.  I like Planet Fitness for the most part.  Black card, it's cheap and you can lift anywhere as well as bring a guest.  The one closest to my house is the worst. Dirty, terrible customer service management and OVERCROWDED.  Rules aren't enforced.  People having full conversations and video conferences on speaker in the middle of working out.  Too many kids.  I'm all for the youth exercising, but the ignorance and lack of etiquette is off the charts.  5 kids around a machine, all with their heads buried in the phones like ants around a melted popsicle stick. Plus the place is having plumbing issues and smells like septic.  I'm switching gyms and cancelled my membership.

2. Competition kettlebells are better than cast iron.  Why?  The handle.  All the bells are the same size in shape and in the handle.  When I had my 88 lb. bells, one of the handles was SO BIG it was scary to use.  I had a 3 day membership at a gym I used to attend.  They had a 106 lb. bell and an 88, which were competition bells.  I did 2 hand swings no problem with each.  I had never swung a 106 before.  The bells were so much easier to use because of the handle.  

3. I've stopped participating in fitness forums.  I'm too busy starting my own business and too many stupid questions.  I am sorry the Dan John forum is dead.  Good guys on there.  For example, on StrongFirst, there is a "Team Leader" who is trying to "tame the beast." Meaning, pressing the 106, doing a pullup with one and a pistol squat.  He has leg issues and is trying to figure out how to work his way around the leg issues.  First, pistols are one of the dumbest movements there are.  Do Bulgarian split squats instead.  Second, there are no rewards for being a "beast tamer."  Why do further damage?  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  The on used to bring the LOLS, but now it's just a bunch of incels.

4. My 20-year-old son is into lifting.  He is 6'2 and about 210 lb. with shoulders like an aircraft carrier.  Although he's not really strong, he is filled with testosterone and putting on muscle quickly.  I told him, "don't put anything more than 225 lb. on the bar until you can squat it 20 times."  And, "dumbbell bench press is your friend."  Why get hurt?  Just do reps. 

5. The Prowler is the best conditioning tool there is.  The gym I'm joining has one with a 25 yard field turf area inside it.  10 laps with six 45 lb. plates is one heck of a workout.  Puddle of sweat when I'm finished.  

6. Another new favorite workout is StairMaster intervals.  No hands, 90 seconds level 5, 30 seconds levels 11-15.  20-30 minutes.  The key is no hands.  Hanging on is cheating.  I also like using this method for running as well. 5-6 mph maintenance, 8-9 mph sprint.  Level 1 on incline.

7. Repeat after me, "It's the diet, stupid."

8. Want to lower your cholesterol?  Take a TBS of Metameucil/Psyllium Husk daily.  Glorious and fills you up when you're hungry.

9. For 80% of people over 50, 3x a week total body lifting workout is way to go.  


a. Hit each body part 3x a week. More than a "bro" split.

b. Get to use different exercises/More Variety Monday Kettlebell Front Squat, Wednesday Back Squat, Friday Hack Squat or Leg Press.

c. More time to recover. You get stronger on your days off.  That doesn't mean doing nothing.  Do 20 minutes of yoga and go for a 3-5-mile walk. 

d. Get to stimulate muscles without annihilating them. But if you insist, do 5 x 5 and then rep out last set.

10. Sets of 20 swings with a 24 kg or higher during rest periods is a nice way to get some conditioning in, if you're crunched for time.  15 sets of snappy swings becomes 300.

11. Geoff Neupert is pushing his Kettlebell Burn Extreme program through email.  If you want to summer shred in a hurry, get it.  It works, it is also an exercise in delayed gratification.  There was a post on Instagram that said, Week 1, day 2 and showed a guy doing double swings.  All I could think was, "let's see how your enthusiasm is, when you're in the midst of a 36-hour fast, staring up at the of faucet of a cold shower.  The workouts are doable.  The intensity progresses as you are losing weight can provide difficulty, but not killers.  What is a pain in the neck is scheduling around a social calendar. I always had issues with the cheat day coming up on the wrong day.  Dinner on Friday night vs. Saturday night.  Having to fast on a Monday instead of the Sunday due to social obligations.  I have completed it twice.  Pro tip, don't have a beer or alcohol on your cheat day.  Just abstain.

12. There has been this trend lately of getting in the habit of getting up at 5 AM.  Just for the sake of discipline.  Just dumb advice. Yes, you can be productive and focus.  BUT, what about recovery?  What is the most important part of recovery?  SLEEP!!!  So, to prove discipline, I'm going to have the alarm set at 5 AM for no reason when my body needs another 90 minutes of sleep.  I get the early bird gets the worm, but I'm not going to bet at 8 PM.  If you're a monk who lives alone with no family, sure, go for it. 

UPDATE on Number 12. Woke up early this AM around 4:43 to empty my bladder . Watched the Celtics game, but went to bed at 10:45 which is a reasonable hour.  Fell back asleep and woke up at 7:20.  And had a great workout at 9.  Sleep > Starting the Day Early.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Dream is Over (Done with Kettlebells)

Welp, that's a wrap on my favorite fitness tool.  It was a great 14 years, but physically I just cannot use them the way I want to.  And I'm absolutely fine with it.  As the Traveling Wilburys sang, "we're going to the end of the line." 

The good news is physically, I'm well.  My foot issue is pretty much gone and I can run again.  I can go into the gym and do the machines, get a pump and leave without injury.  And at 54, that's what I am accepting.  I'm going to physical therapy for my shoulders.  Intervening on the left one and preventing on the right.  I'm one of the crazy 9% of people who does his physical therapy homework, as boring as those exercises are.  

The issues with kettlebells for me are twofold.  The majority of upper body movements are shoulder related.  (Presses, Snatches, TGU's). I have enough wear and tear on them.  Don't need to aggravate the situation doing The Giant.  Second, I can squat, BUT.....I don't like the clicking of my arthritis holding the bells in the rack and I've popped SI joints dropping my hips back when fatigued.  

All that I can do without getting hurt are 2 hand swings. Which I still do at the gym, but that's it.  Monday, I had this grand idea at the end of the day to do some cleans and presses. Double 55's, sets of 2, auto regulated rest.  Got to 15 minutes, did my 12th set and barely got the last rep up.  My older son, said, "what the hell are you doing and why?'  He was absolutely correct.

Which leads us to my next point.  It does not matter what program you do.  If the diet stinks, you're not going to get results.  For 30 years, I've been between 180 and 197.  It doesn't matter, if I do kettlebells, pick ANY program, 5/3/1, bodybuilding, 5 x 5, running 30 miles a week.  Unless you lock in the diet, the results will not be there.  

There are 0 victories for 1 rep maxes other than injuries. Unless you're on steroids or testosterone replacement therapy, you're not going to gain muscle after 40.  You can get stronger, but that's it.  My 20 year old is into lifting.  He's filled with high testosterone, is 6'2", 205 lb. and has shoulders like an aircraft carrier.  He's not strong yet, but aesthetically looks fantastic.  He's getting all my unsolicited advice, like a letter to my 20 year old self.

  1.     Don't barbell bench.  Use dumbbells and supinate the grip.  
  2.     Don't 1 rep max.  Do reps in the 5-12 rep scheme with good form
  3.     Leave a rep or two in the tank every set.
  4.     Don't waste your time chasing deadlift maxes
  5.     Do pullups.  A set of 1-2 between sets of everything else.
  6.     High rep back squats are wonderful
  7.     Do your cardio.  1-2 mile runs or 200 swings
  8.     You get strong on rest days.
  9.      Supplements are a waste of money. 
The best results I've ever gotten from a program was Geoff Neupert's Kettlebell Burn Extreme.  Why?  Because it has the diet right there. Workouts were manageable 20-25 minute long.  BUT the nutrition and cold showers were rough.  The diet works.  Really, really well.

I feel like John Lennon singing God.  He rips off 15 different things he doesn't believe in including Beatles.  "I just believe in me."  

I'm still going to blog about fitness here, but if you've come to see any updates about the ROP, MKM or anything else regarding kettlebells other than 300 swings a day, look elsewhere.  

Daily 45-60 minute walks
Yoga 2 x a week
Planet Fitness machine workouts + run for 20-30 minutes
Shoulder exercises for PT.  That's it for now

Cue up Glory Days, These were done in 2013 at my old house at the ripe young age of 44. "When I was young and stupid, I was young and stupid." George Bush

This does not come from a place of unhappiness.  It just is reality.  What else is reality is The Beach Boys Pet Sounds is the greatest thing I've ever listened to on a rock and roll record.  Put a pair of headphones on and listen to all the different sounds. I discovered it, while in Florida at the pool in January. Yes, I'm completely late to the party.  Way better than the overrated Revolver and was the inspiration for Sgt Pepper which is dogged by the horrible, Within You Without You. The only scar on Pet Sounds is Brian Wilson used the Wrecking Crew as his backup musicians for most of the album.  While the Beatles played their instruments.  Put on Pepper and listen to Ringo's drumming and Paul's bass, they're amazing.

Pet Sounds

Friday, January 13, 2023

Let's DIscuss Horse Manure Hacks

 Happy New Year and Friday the 13th!  What's new and exciting?  Welp, I finally found employment after 4 months of looking.  Talk about a soul sucking experience.  Should be starting in the next couple of weeks.  I can't wait to post my new job and a message on LinkedIn so I can count the number likes, and comments while showing I'm a grateful guy in the most cringiest way possible.

I did 25 days of the Easy Strength workout. The good news is it worked really well. On day 23 I pressed double 70's like they were a toy.  Workout went like this:

Double 70 lb. Deadlift 2 x 10

Double 70 lb. Front Squat 2 x 5

Double 70 lb. Row 2 x 5

Double 55 lb. Press 2 x 5

Double 70 lb. Swing 1 x 20

Ab roller or Double 70 Farmers carries.

I was rolling along nicely until.....Doomsday 25.  5th day of week 5.  17th rep of swings.  POP.  Out went my SI joint on the right pelvis.  My fault dropped my hips back too far like I was going to go balls deep on the thrust of the swing.  Too many reps, too heavy and too old.  4 trips in 2 weeks to the chiropractor, later, I'm all better.  

Been doing the Olympic 2.0 complex and hanging out at Planet Fitness.  

For shits and giggles, I've been listening to podcasts and watching YouTube from these fitness and life "gurus."  What a bunch of pontificating clowns.  Most became successful through multi-level marketing AKA pyramid schemes.  "Buy my program for $1000, and I can teach you how this hustle will get you a condo in Dubai, a Lotus and $20k /month...." The hustle porn and pictures of them holding a fob for a Chevrolet Impala standing next to a Ferrari are hilarious.  Who falls for this shit?  

Anyway, let's discuss a couple of hacks that are absolute horse manure.

Getting up at 5 AM to start your day if you don't have to.

I'm kind of an early riser.  When I worked in Boston and sponged off my parents, I would get up at 5, get to the gym at 5:30-5:40 in the AM.  I'd bang out a workout, shower and chug a chug toot toot into the sun along the Mass Pike. I was also 24, single with no responsibilities. I did like it and felt it gave me an edge.

In 2023, I work from home.  I've worked from home since 2014.  I don't NEED to get up and face a commute before I get to work.  I'm not an early starter anymore.  I like my 3 cups of coffee in bed or on the couch while I wake up and read a book or troll the internet.  

The nice part of working from home is waking up naturally without an alarm.  There are some "fitness inspirators" who get up at 4AM or 5AM and post it like it is a badge of honor. Which leads me to the question.  What about sleep?  Every day, more and more there are articles of the importance of sleep on health.  Some days you need more than others.  Why would you forcibly wake yourself up for no reason on a day when you need 9 hours just to photograph your clock and post it on the internet?  There are no bonus points for it. Example, Sunday into Monday I slept 8 and a half hours and woke up at 7:30 AM.  Monday night, went to the Celtics game, walked 11,000 steps, had a great dinner and dessert in the North End and a couple of cocktails.  Was home by 11. Went to sleep at 11:30. Slept until 8:40. My 20-year-old son, got up at 7:45 to work during semester break.  He said to me, "I was exhausted when I got up this morning." (after 8 hours of sleep)

I'm not saying getting up early is bad.  It's great as long as you get to bed early enough. But whether you get up at 5 or 7, it depends on how you spend those hours.  Sleep > Internet posts.  

Cold Showers

In 2014, I alternated between them and alternating cold/hot contrast for a month.  The good news was any aches or pains I had disappeared. I did them when it was 1 degree outside.  The bad news is, they are really awful.  I've done them since and have survived 3 or 4 days at a time.  However, in December the bride broke the shower head and I had to install a new one.  The one I chose provides a HIGH volume of water.  I listened to Win Hopf, did his breathing routine and jumped in.  It was the WORST experience bathing I ever had.  I could not catch my breath or hide from the water. I jumped out after 3 minutes.  My package looked like a field mouse and 6 hours later, my hands and feet were still cold. I took it at 4 PM vs. 5 AM. I can't imagine doing that first thing in the morning.  "Take a cold shower first thing in the morning, if you can survive that you can survive anything that is thrown your way!"  Fuck that. 

It may heighten your immune system (I'm good there and eat lots of green veggies), help with depression (I don't have it). No thank you. It's not going to make you perform better professionally.  It's a placebo for that.  I do like when I'm done feeling exhilarated and feeling warm when I get out. I have no problem jumping into an ocean on an 80-degree day when the water is 62, No thanks having it sprayed on me in the winter.  


I'm all for fasting.  But only in a specific window.  16 hours without eating IS NOT FASTING in my opinion.  I don't believe you get the benefits until you pass the 20-hour mark.  For the record the Warrior Diet is an unsustainable joke as well.  Good luck on your 20-hour fast on day 3.  The window should be 22+ hours-48 hours.  Pick 22-24 hours 1-2 times a week or 36-40 hours once a week.  Fantastic benefits.  I also don't buy into the "completely heal yourself doing a 5 day fast."  Good luck being a vegetable due to a lack of energy as your kidneys are shutting down.  BUT YOU CREATE STEM CELLS AND AUTOPHAGY.  No one can identify when autophagy starts.  Or a dry fast for 24 hours without, water.  That means, no showers, washing your hands after a bowel movement or brushing your teeth either.  Those who do Ramadan swear by it, but when it's dark, they are pounding liquid and food. I think 36-40 hours once a week is a game changer for your health.  But it's a big mental game. 

Long Term Minimalist Exercise Programs

Everything works for 4-8 weeks.  Doing something is better than nothing.  Then your body adjusts and it's diminishing returns. Look at the Simple and Sinister. As a male, ten Turkish Getups and 100 one hand swings in 5 minutes with a 32 kg/70 lb. kettlebells is a noble goal.  However, trying to get to the 48 kg is not worth it.  You will get injured, or your form will be awful.  I saw a video of a kettlebell leader, who has blogged his workouts since the turn of the century do one hand swings with the 48kg.  The bell didn't get above his pecker. It was a shit swing.  A for effort, D- for execution. There is no "what the hell" effect.  Doing Turkish Getups will make you great at Turkish Getups.  Full disclosure, before I sold my 40kg/88lb. bells, I did the 10 getups in 10 minutes and 100 swings continuously with the Bulldog.  When I was young and stupid, I was young and stupid.

Don't fall for hacks.  Do the work, get your rest and most importantly, get your diet right.


Drinking a Gallon of Water a Day

What is up with the hydration culture?  My wife is a member of overhydration nation.  Carrying water bottles everywhere. To the gym, to the store, to the beach, everywhere.  I agree, water is important. Lot of benefits, but I feel it gets to the point of diminishing returns.  100 oz. or about 3 quarts is a sweet spot.  I hate having to pee every 30 minutes and it be completely clear.  If it's clear your hydrated. Also, you don't want to flush out your electrolytes. The one water hack I recommend is, drink a tall glass as soon as you wake up in the AM.  It will help thin your blood which has thickened while sleeping. 

In 75 Hard this is one of the tasks you must complete. Bloated stomach, having your bladder ready to explode 30 minutes away from the nearest bathroom while exercising outdoors.  Running with a full bladder is truly a miserable experience. I'll pass.  I guess I'll never be REAL AF.