Friday, August 31, 2018

Kettlebell Burn Extreme Reloaded Week 1 Day 6

Weight: 186.6 
Leptin levels are getting reduced, time for a cheat day!  Except that's not until Sunday.  Mentally, I'm pretty locked in right now, so I can hold out 3 more days.   It will be the normal eating day of carbs that I would have done on Day 5.  For tomorrow, I'll do the first of Week 2 PSMF, Saturday, the first normal eating day of week 2, and then blow it out on Sunday.

Blood Pressure: Didn't take

4 meals with carbohydrates.  The last 2 days, I've started with a scoop of protein with water and ice early in the day.  This has worked well for me, taking any edge off.  A habit I think I will continue.

1 scoop of chocolate protein
Meal 1 + 2,  2 eggs with broccoli, 2 small slices of pork, black beans
Meal 3 Thick Pork chop, and a salad

Workout: Grinds Easy Day
Presses supersetted with Squats 55s# for presses, 70s# for squats.  As many sets of 2 in 25 mintues
15 sets 30 reps each

Foam rolling for 6 minutes, 3 minute cold shower

Was busy today helping my son get ready for college.  The good news was I was too busy to be hungry.  Didn't get my workout in until 650 PM which is extraordinarily late for me

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Kettlebell Burn Extreme Reloaded Week 1 Day 5

Weight: 186.6. 
Expected, but happy that I gained only 1 lb. 2 days after a fast

Blood Pressure: 134/88 Heart rate 63
This was 24 hours after blood pressure medication was taken.  A good read


Medium day of ballistics. Snatches with a 45# Sets of 20 left, rest 20 etc.
Goal was 200, 5 rounds.  Each set, I hit the fatigue wall around rep 13.  Last round, no rest between left and right 200.

Feet up deep breathing 8 minutes. Contrasting hot/cold shower 8 minutes


Protein modified sparing fast day.  NO CARBS.
Meal 1 A scoop of protein in water
Meal 2 A fistful of spoon roast and a salad with spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes onions, red pepper, feta, raisins, and wasabi peas in Italian dressing
Snack: Slice of deli ham
Meal 3 Pork chop, Roasted Green Beans, peppers and onions

Kettlebell Burn Extreme Reloaded Week1 Day 4

Weight: 185.6. 
Wait, what?  I believe it.  It's a false read but it's all water weight.  I got up twice last night to pee.  Just passing the 35 hour mark.  I was SO BLOATED from vacation. 8.4 pounds in 3 days.  It's been over a year since I've fasted this long.  It was not torturous but not exactly pleasant either.

The good news is I feel a lot better.  Starved the illness out of me.  I was weak, with chills, even though its 90 degrees.  My head is finally clear and time to get back at it.

Cheat day looks like it's going to be pushed off until Sunday.  Dinner at a friends' new house.  Seems so far off.

Blood Pressure: 124/88 66 HPM

Workout: Heavy day of Grinds, Presses and Squats 25 minutes, alternating sets of 3.  Using 55's for presses, 70's for squats.  Plan on eating before the workout, as I've had zero carbs since Saturday night.
11 sets 33 reps.  Rough Workout, still weak from being sick.  Was a grind, literally.  The lifts weren't bad, it was the heavy breathing in between.  Felt weak when I was finished

Diet: Broke fast after 36 hours.  Felt hungry and low energy.  1 scoop of chocolate protein and water. Not on the list, but wanted to ease my stomach back into it.  180 calories

Second meal, 3 eggs with spinach, broccoli, 2 slices of deli ham and pinto beans   It tasted glorious

Third meal, same but added a fistful of eye of the round from Sunday.

Fourth meal. Went to Red Sox game with my son last night, walked 1.5 miles from where we found street parking.  Rewarded our good fortune by buying sausage dogs for the 2 of us.  Mine had peppers and onions and Diet Coke.  Walked back to car 3 miles walking last night

Recovery: Foam roller for 4 minutes, meditation for 9 minutes cold shower for 6

Monday, August 27, 2018

Kettlebell Burn Extreme Reloaded Week 1 Day 3

Weight: 189.4

Still not feeling well, cold is still in my sinuses and has moved to my throat. Laryngitis, great.  Also, stomach is feeling foul.  Not in a diet way, more like flu.

Blood Pressure: 133/90 Resting heart rate 66

Update: 11:20 AM

I feel awful, it's 88 degrees and I have chills.  Decided to make my fast day today.  Rest and not do a workout.  I don't know about the cold therapy today.  I went from sweating profusely to being cold.

Recovery:  No cold showers today  Took a hot one. Turned water on, stuck my hand in and was like, No, not doing it.  I'll let the fast take care of the weight

Good news is by tomorrow, 1 fast will be in the books, 3 more to go.

Kettlebell Burn Extreme Reloaded Week 1 Day 2

Weight: 191.2 
Was definitely holding a lot of water.  I'm run down a little with a cold that I caught last Wednesday night.  Not feeling my best today.  Low energy, queasy stomach

Blood Pressure 129/92, Resting Heart Rate 61

Workout Ballistics:
55 lb. Kettlebell 20 minutes
One hand Swings.  20 Left, Rest, 20 Right Rest.
18 sets 360 swings
This was harder than I thought it would be.  In the original workout, it was Double Cleans alternated with Double Swings Ladders, 2,4, 6. The higher reps I believe is an improvement.

Feet up deep breathing 10 minutes.  Meditation 11:30
Alternating cold and hot shower, 30 seconds cold, 60 seconds hot.

One chicken breast and Brussels Sprouts.  Two small slices of deli spiral ham
Dinner, Salad with light Italian dressing and 3 fists of grilled spoon roast.
One small chicken tender
2 glasses of scotch

I enjoyed the whisky while grilling the roast on the deck and reading the Sports Illustrated football preview.  I ate my first meal at 11:45 and dinner at 7:15, a pretty long stretch.  I had stayed busy.  The roast was too good to limit portions, but with no carbs, I figured I could eat a little more.  I figure I can be 90% compliant on the diet.  No one ever got fat eating a pepper or onion in a salad.

I'm trying to strategize the cheat and fast day.  I started the program on a Saturday, so those would fall on a Thursday and Friday.  Probably going to have to move them to the weekend due to going out to dinner during the weekend.  I'd rather get whatever I want at a restaurant if I'm going to spend the money.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Kettlebell Burn Extreme Reloaded Week 1 Day 1

8/25/18 Day 1

Weight: 194.0 
Waist Around Belly Button 37.5
Blood Pressure 128/98

Been a crazy summer.  3 vacations in 3 months and a complete lack of discipline at the table.  Workouts have been great, but you can't out snatch a bad diet.  So finally came home last night and after watching my weight creep up straight into my belly the past 4 months, it is time to do something.

I did Kettlebell Burn Extreme back in 2014 and lost 14 lbs. over 4 weeks. I used 70's for both grinds and ballistics.  However, in the last 4 years, as I've gotten older, I've lost strength.  70's were my 5 rep max, I can get them now for 2 on the press.  For presses, I'll use 55's, and for squats 70's.

The ballistics portion of the program used to be double swings supersetted with double cleans.  I used 70's.  I never was a fan of this part of the program and I'd have to tape my finger tips to avoid hot spots.  Well lo and behold, Geoff Neupert created a reloaded program and instead of swings and cleans, you do high rep one hand swings and snatches.  Take your 40 rep one hand swing bell and your 30 rep one hand snatch bell.  That would be 55 and 45 lbs. respectively and alternate days.  One day as many sets of 20 swings as possible.  The next ballistics workout, as many sets of 20 snatches as possible.  Rest between hands, to stay as explosive as possible.  I like this piece.

As always, the diet will be the worst part.  3 carb days, two protein sparing modified fast days (AKA no carbs) one cheat day, one 36 hour fast.  The PSMF days are the worst for me.  I would rather fast then eat 1500 calories with no carbohydrates.  However, I have also fallen out of the practice of fasting, so this is going to be a challenge.

The recovery methods of cold shower, cold tub, alternate hot/cold, won't be a breeze, but I notice if I do it, little 49 year old aches and pains go away.  It's summer, the cold recovery won't stink as much as in the dead of winter, when it was 1 degree outside and I was taking a cold shower. Say in 10 minutes.

First workout
Medium day grinds
Double Kettlebell Military Press alternated with Double Front Squats.
25 minutes Ladders of 1,2,3. 55's for presses, 70's for squats
I did 5 ladders of each and 1 rung of the 6th ladder.  31 repetitions total. Felt good and strong, my legs really felt the squats.

Meditated for 17 minutes.
Cold Shower 8 minutes

Meals 1 and 2
3 Eggs with Broccoli and 1/4 cup of oatmeal

Meal 3
2 Grilled Chicken Breasts 2 ears of corn  and Brussels Sprouts

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Major League Baseball Is Dying And There Is No Fix

I have a confession.  I love everything about major league baseball except the game itself.  I love the history, some statistics, old baseball cards, the Red Sox, Cooperstown, Hot Stove, Team by Team Analysis.  However the game, as it stands is unwatchable on TV.  Last year right after Labor Day, went to Fenway, saw a 19 inning game and stayed for the whole thing.  Going to the game is one thing, watching on TV is another. I haven't watched 15 minutes of spring training this year and don't feel like I've missed anything.

This will be my 44th year following the Red Sox. I completely understand times change, the way the game is played changes, but right now it's not for the better.  It has turned into a glorified home run derby with little action and less strategy. And it's on both the pitching and the hitting side.  Let's discuss pitching.

Guys are on pitch counts and rarely go past 110 pitches. Pitch counts HURT pitchers. Look at the increase in pitchers having Tommy John surgery. Take a step back and look at it logically.  Because pitchers know they have a limit on the number of balls they are going to throw, they max effort everything and try to strike hitters out instead of using the 7 fielders behind them.  If you maxed effort every lift you did, what would happen?  You'd get hurt.  Throwing a ball overhand is not what your arm was intended for.  Continuously doing it at maximum effort will cause an injury.

When was the last time the phrase "bear down" was used to describe a pitcher getting out of a jam? So starters, go 5-6 innings and then the manager decides he's going to show what a genius he is, bringing in one reliever after another, for lefty/lefty righty/righty matchups until the 8th. Then he brings in his setup guy who throws 98, but is too much of a mental midget to close the game.  The closer can't pitch the 8th because his role is only being a 3 out guy as long as his team is winning by 3 runs or less.  So the last 2 innings is a bunch of fielders standing around while the hitters wave at the ball.  Now I don't have a problem with a pitcher being yanked after the 5th or 6th.  From a strategical standpoint, it's usually the 3rd time around the lineup that he starts getting hit.  Why? Because he less in the tank.  Pace yourself and that 3rd time around will be more difficult for hitters to adjust.

Now on to the hitters.

Let me preface it by saying, I've always agreed with Ted Williams about having a slight upper cut swing.  It's simple physics that the ball is coming down from the mound and in order level the plane you need to swing SLIGHTLY up.

However, this launch angle stuff has gotten completely out of control. Joey Gallo hit 41 HR and hit .209 last year and struck out 197 times!  In 532 plate appearances, including walks, he didn't put the bat on the ball 271 times! That's over 50%.  But there is an article in Sports Illustrated this week discussing launch angles and him not changing his approach at the plate.  I used to think Adam Dunn was the definition of a softball player but Joey Gallo and others are bringing it to new levels. I remember my father discussing what a bum he thought Dave Kingman was because he'd hit 40 bombs but only hit .220 and struck out a ton. My how times have changed.

The modern day philosophy is, take a bunch of pitches, step out of the box and evaluate each pitch, and swing from your ass at all times.  Let's take these step by step.

There is a fine line between being overaggressive and too passive, especially at the major league level where pitchers can put it wherever they want with movement.  However, usually you get one pitch to hit each at bat.  By taking strikes early in the count, you lower your rate of success.  When I coached, I told the kids, "DON'T TAKE STRIKES."  You fail at 100% of strikes you don't swing at. Give yourself a chance. This leads to deep hitter counts and no action.

Stepping out of the box between pitches. Step one foot out, look down at the 3rd base coach for a sign, take a swing and step back in. This adjusting the batting gloves, cup, helmet is too much.  I watched Mitch Moreland do this after taking a pitch!  Did the gloves shift, while holding the bat? All this is an advantage to the pitcher.  Why? Because the more time spent fiddling gives him a chance to catch his breath in between pitches.

Not changing the approach with the count is the biggest issue. When did fly balls to the warning track become better than base hits? Teams all shift defensively and try and pitch so that the batter hits into the shift. Not adjusting by the batter is short sighted. First baserunners score runs. Trying to beat the shift, leads to: 1. a higher batting average by at least 30 points, 2. More action on the bases and runs scored, 3. and finally TEAMS WILL STOP SHIFTING AGAINST YOU which will allow you to keep your hitting philosophy because there will be more space on that side of the field.

The old thought was 2 strikes, choke up hit the ball the other way and at worst move the runners along. Today, well I struck out, but my launch angle was perfect.  I flew out with the bases loaded, but my exit velocity was above average.

So what do you have?  A glorified home run derby with little action, lots of standing around, and strikeouts.  Kids are going to lacrosse vs. baseball because of this.  This is festering into major league baseball.  The game has turned into a big dick swinging contest between the pitcher and the hitter. Throw in all the mound visits, instant replay and you wonder why games are 3+ hours long.

Growing up, collecting baseball cards, skimming box scores, I could probably tell you most lineups for that season.  Today?  I probably can't give you 3 guys in each starting lineup. Baseball has lost it's individuality. Most of the batting stances are the same, the pitching motions are the same.  Players are  like mannequins out there.  Relievers, forget it, starting pitchers, maybe 1 on each team.

Pitch clocks, mound visit limits can't fix the game. In today's instant gratification, low attention span, lots of alternatives culture, major league baseball is dying from a viewership perspective.

Kettlebell Crossroads

Well, if I didn't consider myself old, going on high blood pressure medication has confirmed it.  After continually getting readings of 137/91-158/100, I was finally prescribed 10 mg of Lisinopril.  This has brought it down to the 120's for systolic and the low to mid 80's for the diastolic.  The good news is my cholesterol level went down from 244 to 238.  The better news is my HDL (good cholesterol) went up 17 points from 79 to 96, which is off the charts good. Heart rate is in the mid 50's, weight in the mid 180's.  All good.

I finished one of the kettlebell programs I was doing after 6 weeks. It was a rowing based complex program and heavy and medium day were, uncomfortable at the end.  4 rounds, work:rest ratio, 1:1

Heavy day 45 lb. kettlebells
Renegade Row x 20 seconds
Double Clean x 20 seconds
Front Squat x 20 seconds
Double Snatch x 20 seconds
Military Press x 20 seconds
Double Swing x 20 seconds
Double Row x 20 seconds.

2:20 on, 2:20 rest.

The other program is a 9 week jerk program I'm doing as a chain. Starting week 8.  Using 45's, 4 rounds work:rest 1:1, week 9 will be 5 rounds.  Takes about 100 seconds and then rest 100.

Heavy Day: Repeat this sequence 6 times for 30 reps
Double Clean x 1
Jerk x 1
Front Squat x 1
Double Snatch x 1
Jerk x 1

Don't be fooled, 4th time around the sequence it starts getting fatiguing.

I like these workouts because they only take 15 minutes max, and if I want to run, play basketball or go to the gym and do chest, I'm not so spent that I can't.  I've been playing hoop 1-2 times a week and it's coming back.  Some nights, like Monday we had 18 guys and I was the oldest one there and I can keep up. Just don't ask me about my kneecaps when I go downstairs the next day.

My goals right now are just to complete the programs.  I have ZERO interest in lifting heavy.  I haven't picked up my 70's or 88's in long time.  My fear is my elbows. When doing Turkish Getups with the 88, which I have no problem performing on each side. The hyperextending of my elbows makes them sore the next day. If that's the case what's the point?  Did 200 snatches in 19 minutes with a 55 doing 5 each hand at the top of the minute. No problem, but my hands never feel great after and my form is solid.

So I have 2 weeks to figure out what to do next.  I am going to continue to use kettlebells.  Right now I know what I'm not going to do.

No Rite of Passage, too much volume, no farmers carries, no Simple and Sinister (with all the fun and different exercises you can do with a kettlebell, why would anyone stick to just getups and swings is beyond me), no Easy Strength, no 10000 swings.

Stacking 3x a week is a possibility, Escalation Density Training is a maybe, 3x a week.  My only issue with that is I get nothing out of floor presses so I need to figure out a pressing movement on Day 2.  I'm also thinking of simplifying things and using one kettlebell for awhile.  I'm better when I'm doing programs vs. free forming.

This is not on my purchase list.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

7 Years Old, For the 7th Time

Going to be entering my 50th year on this planet in less than a fortnight.  Just putted out on the 10th hole of life and stepping up to the 11th tee box.  Blue tees, not the white tees, thank you.  As I approach it, I'm much more cognizant of my cardiac health. There are a number of reasons for this:

1. My blood pressure is elevated. And not in a good way.  140/95 way, though I just took it as I'm pretty relaxed and it was 137/80, which I'm ecstatic about.  I would say it's 70% stress, 20% genetics 10% sodium.  The good news is even with the stress I'm resilient according to my MeQuilibrium app, like off the charts high.  Nothing life threatening or catastrophic for anyone. Stupid stuff, really. As my priest told me, just need to be patient with me and don't get worked up with things I can't control.  It will play itself out.

2. Cholesterol is 244 though the HDL is higher than normal, need to address my diet better.  Less meat and cheese.

3. Genetics  Oh boy, do I have the genes.  Maternal grandfather had first heart attack at 56 and second at 60, died just before his 61st birthday. 155 lb. man.  Father, didn't take care of himself, 78, bypass at 54, congestive heart failure now.

The good news, my weight is low.  181-185.  In December when I was a little more upset, it got to 177.  Too low.  The heart rate is low, 52-60 range.  Next doctors appointment is the Ides of March.


 I completed the last two kettlebell complexes.  They were 9 weeks apiece, and finished in the second week of January.  Decided to take a few weeks off by doing an Easy Strength template where you do 2 sets of 5 everyday of 5 different exercises.  Completed 8 sessions out of 40 and the rear deltoids were just sore and stiff.  For the core part I was doing Turkish Getups with a 70 and an 88.  That might have been a bit much every day.  I was in a kind of workout limbo just tinkering.  Went to sales kickoff for my company in Phoenix and there was a gym across from the Kimpton which you could use for free with your hotel card.

Did some pull-ups, deadlifts, back squats, battling ropes.  They even had kettlebells.  I did a few sets of snatches with a 24, but there was no chalk and I didn't want to have the bell slip. From there my wife flew out and we went to Scottsdale and took a few days off.  It was my second time in Scottsdale.  It's Naples in the desert without all the old people.  Loved it, would love to retire there, whole family is in Naples. The only one left here in MA is me.

For another week, did the Planet Fitness routine, chest, back, 2 mile run as fast as I could on the treadmill. Actually did my fastest 1.5 miles in 9 years in 11:05.  Was averaging about 16:30.  Finally after traveling again 2 weeks ago to Atlanta, I finally went back to a couple of the More Kettlebell Muscle programs.  One is a rowing program with kettlebells where you do 20 seconds of each exercise.  The other is a jerk (how apropos!) program which I'm doing as a chain.  Currently in week 2.

I'm also doing more running.  Did 3.5 today on a mountain goat course where as you pass mile 2, you have to run up a curving hill as steep as Mason Street in SF.  It took me the rest of the 3rd mile to recover.  I made it and then turned into a stiff north wind.  First 2 miles, were free and easy, last 1.5 was a tester.

I look back on the weights I was working with 5 years ago vs. now and I'm much weaker. Especially on the military press. Did double 70's for 1 rep 3 weeks ago when my cousin came down for the AFC championship game.  It wasn't a clean and boom up it went.  I used to be able to do sets of 3 in my sleep.  Even 55's x 5 wear me down.  But I'm good with it.  I love kettlebells for the metabolic conditioning. Get your lift and your cardio in at the same time.  Effective Minimum Dose.

My goals for exercise are to finish the programs I'm doing and not get hurt.  Here's a injury report littered with my ego in overdrive.

1. Snatch test.  Have done 100 in 5 minutes, 160 in 10.  Blisters, blood blisters, dropped bell on the floor, hot spots on hands.  I love the exercise and still do it. but one is always one bad rep away from it. Sweat, chalk, fatigue, bell pinches on way down.  Boom blister.  Just not going to test for reps.

2. Turkish Getups.  Yes, I've passed the simple standard not only for the 32kg, but also the 40kg.  Issue with heavy getups, is joint soreness in my elbow.  Because the goal is to keep your arm as straight as possible, the elbow is locked out and gets sore.  Once a week, good, every day, not good

3. Military Press. Completed up through a 32kg with the Rite Of Passage.  Have clean and pressed an 80, for sets of 3 on each arm.  (Don't show me those YouTube videos with guys pressing or snatching heavy weight with only one arm.  If you can't do the other side, you can't do it)  Cannot press the 88, not even close.  I get really nicked up doing the that program for too long with the 32.  Volume is just too much on heavy day.  75 each arm

Finally I realized in order to help de-stress, I needed to stop being so soft. This is kind of a mid January resolution, but I started playing piano again and basketball on Monday and Thursday nights.  I've actually put basketball in my work calendar to hold myself accountable.  I've played twice with a business trip on the other Thursday night.  Day before yesterday was humbling.  4x4 side courts (70 feet vs 94) 5 games to 10.  I was the oldest guy there by 7 years and 5 of the guys were in there mid 20's and could play.  I would get really tired on the quick twitch change direction stuff.  But I loved it.  I couldn't shoot a lick.  Terrible inconsistent release, no arc, unforgiving metal rims 1/2 moon backboards, but I did some good stuff out there as well and figure the shot will come back the more I play.  Didn't think about getting hurt once  Next morning was tough going downstairs to get coffee because my kneecaps were sore, but can't wait to do it again next week.

Do something you used to love and push yourself.  Embrace scraping off the rust, you're a better man for it.