Friday, September 22, 2017

Health Kick On The Rocks

It's been awhile. Yes, I finished the 10,000 swings in 10 days.

 I've been trying some things with my diet to achieve optimal health.  No, I'm not eating avocado ice cream, using bands for pliability or self massaging myself every day.  Though 21 days a month is recommended according to Men's Health.  Adding and subtracting things from my diet.

Went on two vacations this summer both over a week long.  I did exercise regularly.  During the second vacation I averaged 5-6 miles running a day.  What? You're doing long sessions of cardio?  I thought you said, cardio was a Spanish word?  Yes, I started again when the weather became nice, put the headphones on, listen to songs I like to listen to and jog away. At home, I live in the bottom of a valley. All the hills I have to run up, really helped with the endurance on the flatter roads on Cape Cod.  I've also been plagued with tennis elbow in my right arm. After four months, I spent $25 on a Theraband to help heal it. The "Tyler Twist" is an exercise that is supposed to heal it.  Wrong, Hyperextending my forearm made it really sore, going in the other direction and stretching my wrist downward, seems to do the trick as long as I don't over do it.  Every day without tension, every other day with the theraband. No snatches or high pulls for me.

Went to the doctor for my first physical in 2 or 3 years, have a new PCP, my man retired.  First the good news, weight 4 days after vacation, 191.  Not great not terrible,  Resting heart rate 51 beats per minute, super excellent.  Blood pressure, 142/96.  WTF?  Possible causes, coffee in the AM?  yep, high sodium intake night before, absolutely.  I'm a salt vs sweet type.  Drinking 5+ every day the week before on the beach and out at dinner. Sure.  Doctor said, no big deal, you need blood work done, do that couple of days before Thanksgiving and come back on Tuesday, November 28. It's a date!

Previous to this, I've supplemented magnesium oil twice a day.  In July I discovered this lovely disgusting concoction that is supposed to reduce bloat, bacteria, acid and detoxify your body,  Drink 20 minutes before a meal.
8 oz water
2 TB Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
2 TB Lemon Juice
TSP of Honey or more
1/2 TSP of Ginger
1/4 TSP of Cinnamon
1/4 TSP of Cayenne Pepper, opens up blood flow. Use less if necessary.

I read about the cancer fighting properties of Turmeric, so I throw a 1/2 tsp in with a dash of pepper.
3-4 times a week.  It's spicy, but okay.  Need to make sure to dissolve the cinnamon in the honey first, because it doesn't dissolve in the liquid. When I don't feel like throwing it all together, I just mix water with the ACV and Lemon Water.  Chug, done.

Ran into my buddy Al at the gym and shared with him my plight about my blood pressure, He told me to drink coconut water, the potassium is good for you.  So, being the coachable person I am, I bought it.  Love it.  Tastes sweet, rehydrates you, and is a good source of vitamins, electrolytes and minerals.  Bad news, it's pricey.  The lowest I've found is $1.25/pint at Big Lots.  Better yet, my family thinks it's gross, so they won't be stealing it.

Most importantly, no drinking until my appointment. I'm one of those people who likes keeping score. With 2 days before the first appointment and 2 days after, it will be 100 days.  Right now over a month into it.  After the first weekend, it's SO easy.  I've been out to eat several times, over people's houses, parties, golf tournament, ball game. Almost every social land mine except a wedding.

What I've learned is that I have the metabolism of an 18 year old when I don't drink.  I have eaten EVERYTHING and have lost 4 lbs.  I told my buddy Darren, who loves wine to try his; go to dinner, instead of wine tonight, drink diet coke or ice tea. I'll guarantee you won't be full.

Second, I'm keeping a running score in my head, $195 saved so far. That includes, what was missing in my bar. Handle of scotch, handle of gin, case of beer. If there isn't any booze in the house, I won't go to the store and buy it. I have no issues not purchasing overpriced drinks at restaurants. There are 4 cans of Miller High Life in the fridge, accounted for so certain seniors in high school don't take them. Honestly, I was kind of losing the taste for beer.The first Gin tastes great except 1/2 way through the second one starts to taste like soap. I never ever go for wine. In regard to whisky, Rye, no, Bourbon it's okay, not a huge fan of the hillbilly stuff. Love scotch. None in the house, no temptation.

Third, I'm sharp as a tack on the weekends.  I have a list of things I want to get done and workouts I want to do, and I bang them out. So much energy.

Fourth, back to the diet piece.  How often do you hear people say, "I'm so good during the week and blow it on the weekends."  Well let's say you eat 2500-3000 calories a day.  And the average recommended moderate dose of alcohol for a male adult is 15 units per week.  150 calories per drink x 15, is 2,250 calories.  About a full day of eating that you have to stave off before you can even start losing weight.  And let's face real facts. we drink pints of beer, at least doubles of liquor and no person fills only five ounces of wine.  So in reality, if you hit it good, throw the mixer in of tonic water or coke, It's more like 3200 calories plus.  Your metabolism can't keep up with that.  It's a stupid game to play.  Like blackjack 1 on 1 with the evil Asian dragon lady dealer.  You may win a few rounds, but you'll be walking away without success.

I've noticed the ACV helps with the joints, my soreness in my right knee is non existent, even doing lunges!

I'm done with the fasting and the cold showers. And when I mean fasting, I mean 40 hours.  I'll go until dinner without eating from time to time, but it's because I get busy and am not going to eat lunch at 3:30.  16 hours is not a fast, i always skip breakfast, mainly because I don't like it.  Black coffee at 7, ACV drink at 9/930, Coconut Water at 1030, Lunch, 12 30 -1, Protein shake at 3, Dinner.

Workouts, 6 days a week
Day 1, 5 x 5 Double Military Presses alternated with Rows, Double Front Squats alternated with Double Swings.  Turkish Getups and 100 swings

Day 2 Turkish Getups, 100 swings, 12 minutes of carries, 10 hill sprints

Day 3 5 x 5 Deadlifts alternated with lunges, 88's for deadlifts, 55's for lunges, go to the gym, chest  (Dips, and machine presses flat and incline) and light back work (Pulldowns and Rows, focus on form not grip to aggravate elbow) at the gym

Day 4, Same as day 2, 15 minutes Reverse Getups, 55 instead of Regular TGU's  First time I finished, heart rate was over 200

Day 5 One arm seated Kettlebell Press, 45 lbs, 5 x 5 Row 5 x 5, Jog 4-5 miles

Day 6 Double Kettlebell Front Squats, 70's, 10 sets of 5 alternated with Double Swings 70's 10 x 10

Day 7 off

Each week add one more rep to the sets, 5 x 6 vs 5 x 5. Once you get to 5 x 8 wave back to 5 x 6 and start over again.

For the double presses, I've moved to 70's and doing 10 sets x 2.  I like these workouts, they're all done in under an hour, and are good for total body strength.

The month of October looks like it will be a good challenge.  I have to go to San Francisco for business for the whole week of Columbus Day, then might have to go back there again the next week for 2 days. Finally, have a golf vacation at my buddy's house in Asheville, NC for the week AFTER that.  Looks like no Toronados for Pliny the Elder, or the Buena Vista for Irish coffee for me.  I'm fine with that.  There is nothing worse than having to be in all day meetings at 8 AM bleary eyed with the liver in overdrive. I'll get my workouts in.  The hotel near Union Square where I'm staying has a great gym and there is an awesome kettlebell gym on Van Ness a mile away.  That is, if I survive walking through the Tenderloin.

For benefits of ACV, Turmeric, Coconut Water, just do a search on it.  There are plenty of articles.