Decided after Easter Sunday, it was time to take off the last of the COVID-15, that I had gained. Back in September 2020 after a golf vacation and a couple of weeks later was just over the 200 lb. mark, which is almost an all time high for me. I got to 202.4 after one particularly poor eating/drinking day. Pants were TIGHT. From a conditioning standpoint, I had finished Kettlebell Muscle running it for 6 weeks instead of 12. Was in great shape, but blood pressure was high and I was carrying too much weight for a 5'11" 51 year old male. Finally, around the beginning of December, I decided it was time to eliminate the one thing that makes me gain weight. Drinking alcohol. I did not have a problem, but like many, binged on scotch on the weekend.
At this time, my life had become EXTREMELY stressful. I remember being up until 3 AM one Monday morning, waking up at 7 AM filled with anxiety. I said to myself, "that's it." Done. Life would get a lot worse and remained so for another month. It was a nightmare that thankfully has turned around. I felt that at that point, in order to help fix the issue I needed to be mentally at my best and focused. I also, started praying the Rosary every day and going to Mass every weekend.
Without the extra calories of the alcohol as well as the lack of sluggishness, my workouts got immediately better and I became a lot sharper. My weight started to come off. First, down to 195-196, then to 193. Yet my diet wasn't locked in. I didn't eat poorly, but not well either. Finally down to around 191-192, but I had a belly. My navel measurement was around 37.5, which doesn't put it in the metabolic risk category, but for vanity purposes, too large.
I had run Kettlebell Burn Extreme by Geoff Neupert with success back in 2014 and used double 70's. I never missed a cold shower, a workout or meal timing. Cold showers in the dead of winter are awful. Lost around 13 lbs. It worked really well. And I did reward myself with beer or scotch on cheat day. At that point, I had realized it's 85% diet. You cannot exercise a bad diet.
Here's how the diet works:
Monday, Wednesday Friday. 3-4 meals. Protein, Fat, Complex Carb in each meal (quinoa, oatmeal, lentils, beans or sweet potato)
Tuesday, Thursday, 2-3 meals (Protein, Fat) No carbs
Saturday, Cheat day eat whatever you want.
Sunday Fast 36-40 hours. You have all the calories, 3500-4500 from the day before that helps resets leptin levels, use those calories to get through the fast.
Workouts 6 days a week. On carb days 25 minutes, double kettlebells, presses and squats. 5 rep max. I chose 55's to avoid injury On non-carb days and cheat days. one arm swings and snatches. Long sets of 20. I am using 55 for the swings and a 35 for the snatches (don't want elbow tendonitis from long snatch sets)
Recovery, I'm using foam rolling and deep breathing as well as stomach vacuums. I did one week of cold showers and decided to opt out.
18 days in. I started with the fast for 40 hours just to get things going. So I've done 3 fasts and will run it for 29 days vs. 28.
Results so far:
Navel: 36 inches down from 37.5
Weight: I think my start weight was about 191-192. Currently after 3rd fast 183.8. First fast was 187.2, Second fast 185.8, now down to 183.8
55's seem to be the right weight. I am not chasing reps ala Escalation Density Training. I'm auto regulating and averaging around 30-36 reps in 25 minutes. Just setting the clock, and doing perfect reps. For me, chasing reps is the perfect recipe for popping my SI joint.
Cold showers: See above stopped. We are redoing our master bathroom which is a walk in shower and now using the tub/shower in the other bathroom. Not enough space to get away from the cold water, said screw it. My reward for being compliant on the diet is a hot shower.
Fasting: Have had zero issues with it. After the first cheat day, I had eaten so much at a dinner party, I couldn't wait to not eat the next day. The cake and food were glorious. This past fast, I played golf for the afternoon, an hour away. I didn't get home until 8 PM and the witching hour had passed. 3 down 1 or 2 to go.
Diet: From a food choice standpoint, the only thing I've added was almonds. Especially on no carb day to take the edge off. Last time I ran this, I found the no carb days to be the hardest. This time my portions are bigger than the fist, but I've been 95% compliant. No cheese, no bread. Fruit only on cheat days. I've also added 2 spoons of Metameucil, 2 spoons of lemon juice, and 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar in water. An orange sweet tart.
My only complaint is I get headrushes, which is common for me due to being on 10 mg of Lisinopril for high blood pressure. So far it's been in the 120's and 80's range. When it gets to 105/69, I'll have to cut the dose in half. If I don't take it, it's high.
I've also included walking 3-4 miles 5 times a week. No running, no sprints, no other exercise except the program.
Foods on my list: Beans, lentils, (I marinade both in olive oil, vinegar and garlic) quinoa, oatmeal with walnuts. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, lots of jalapenos, asparagus, lettuce, red onion, peppers, tomatoes. For protein, eggs, chicken thighs and breasts, hamburger, tuna grilled and canned, baked cod and haddock. Being able to eat fish after 30 years of allergies is a GAMECHANGER for me. So simple on a no carb day to throw to cod filets in an oven with asparagus.
Cheat days have been glorious. Last Saturday, I had 2 doughnuts, a couple of handful of chips and two heaping plates of Chinese food. This Saturday is going to be waffles and bacon and pizza for dinner.
What happens after the program is over?
I've given this thought and feel that parts of this diet can be a lifestyle. Add complex carbohydrates to the no carb days, as well as have fruit daily. Fast once every 2 weeks, and enjoy whatever you want on cheat days.
I'll do some random workouts post program with a focus on maintaining strength. Final results coming soon.