Saturday, March 24, 2018

Kettlebell Crossroads

Well, if I didn't consider myself old, going on high blood pressure medication has confirmed it.  After continually getting readings of 137/91-158/100, I was finally prescribed 10 mg of Lisinopril.  This has brought it down to the 120's for systolic and the low to mid 80's for the diastolic.  The good news is my cholesterol level went down from 244 to 238.  The better news is my HDL (good cholesterol) went up 17 points from 79 to 96, which is off the charts good. Heart rate is in the mid 50's, weight in the mid 180's.  All good.

I finished one of the kettlebell programs I was doing after 6 weeks. It was a rowing based complex program and heavy and medium day were, uncomfortable at the end.  4 rounds, work:rest ratio, 1:1

Heavy day 45 lb. kettlebells
Renegade Row x 20 seconds
Double Clean x 20 seconds
Front Squat x 20 seconds
Double Snatch x 20 seconds
Military Press x 20 seconds
Double Swing x 20 seconds
Double Row x 20 seconds.

2:20 on, 2:20 rest.

The other program is a 9 week jerk program I'm doing as a chain. Starting week 8.  Using 45's, 4 rounds work:rest 1:1, week 9 will be 5 rounds.  Takes about 100 seconds and then rest 100.

Heavy Day: Repeat this sequence 6 times for 30 reps
Double Clean x 1
Jerk x 1
Front Squat x 1
Double Snatch x 1
Jerk x 1

Don't be fooled, 4th time around the sequence it starts getting fatiguing.

I like these workouts because they only take 15 minutes max, and if I want to run, play basketball or go to the gym and do chest, I'm not so spent that I can't.  I've been playing hoop 1-2 times a week and it's coming back.  Some nights, like Monday we had 18 guys and I was the oldest one there and I can keep up. Just don't ask me about my kneecaps when I go downstairs the next day.

My goals right now are just to complete the programs.  I have ZERO interest in lifting heavy.  I haven't picked up my 70's or 88's in long time.  My fear is my elbows. When doing Turkish Getups with the 88, which I have no problem performing on each side. The hyperextending of my elbows makes them sore the next day. If that's the case what's the point?  Did 200 snatches in 19 minutes with a 55 doing 5 each hand at the top of the minute. No problem, but my hands never feel great after and my form is solid.

So I have 2 weeks to figure out what to do next.  I am going to continue to use kettlebells.  Right now I know what I'm not going to do.

No Rite of Passage, too much volume, no farmers carries, no Simple and Sinister (with all the fun and different exercises you can do with a kettlebell, why would anyone stick to just getups and swings is beyond me), no Easy Strength, no 10000 swings.

Stacking 3x a week is a possibility, Escalation Density Training is a maybe, 3x a week.  My only issue with that is I get nothing out of floor presses so I need to figure out a pressing movement on Day 2.  I'm also thinking of simplifying things and using one kettlebell for awhile.  I'm better when I'm doing programs vs. free forming.

This is not on my purchase list.

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