Saturday, August 3, 2019

Hello, Yeah It's Been A While....

Haven't posted in about 6 months.  Lot to catch up on.  All positive from a health perspective.

Kettlebell Muscle.  Completed the program with the 45's.  Only failure was week 6 heavy day (hungover) I finished it, but had to add a little more rest to complete the total reps

Then did the 30 workouts in 30 minutes program.  Only one I didn't do was Double Clean and Squat 10 x 10 with a minute rest in between.  I like my back the way it is.

Spent the last hours of my 40's in the chiropractor's office having my last adjustment.  All better haven't been in 5 1/2 months knock on wood.

Had a colonoscopy in March.  Men, get your colonoscopy done as soon as you're 50.  The prep is no big deal.  Found 4 polyps, on 16 mm.  All removed, back in 3 years.

Completed Geoff Neupert's The Long Haul from More Kettlebell Muscle.  Actually in weeks 7-9 tweaked the program.  Instead of doing the complex all at once with a 1:1 work/rest ratio which fried my grip and killed my deltoids, I altered it this way:

Medium Day Week 8
Double Snatch x 30 seconds
Press x 30 seconds
Squat x 30 seconds
Double Swing x 30 seconds
Rest 2 minutes repeat 5 rounds total

This would take 18 minutes to complete 5 rounds x 2 minutes and 4 rests at 2 minutes.
18 minutes x 60 seconds 1080 seconds.  Total exercise sets. 5 rounds x 4 = 20.
1080/20 =54 seconds.

Instead of doing the whole complex and suffering for 2 minutes, start a new set every 54 seconds.  Grip, less fatigued MUCH better/crisper reps and, you can beat the total time in the last set by going from squats to double swings.

Double Snatch 30 seconds, rest 24.  Press 30 rest 24.  Yes you have to keep an eye on the clock, but it's less than a 1/2 hour.  Heavy Day especially on week 9 for 6 rounds, still is terrible.

I didn't complete this program in 9 weeks, more like 12.  I've been on a plane every month since April.  Down to Florida for 2 weeks over 6, on Cape Cod for a week (yes, no fear of sharks, I swim), Boulder, CO for work.

I love working out in the summer.  I move out of the basement and work out in the garage and freestyle things.  I move away from any programs and make stuff up myself.

2-3 days a week, chest and back and a run at the gym.  Or walk to the gym and back home, or run outside for 3 miles.  When I was on the Cape, was banging out 5 miles a day, 9:25 miles.

The only issue is, I don't do snatches in the summer.  I like the skin on my hand the way they are thank you.  Too much humidity + too much chalk= blisters.  I'd rather play golf than snatch, thank you.

2-3 days a week, 28 kg bell.

Up to 5 rounds and ladders
One Clean then Press, Squat and Row ladders 1,2,3
Within 30 seconds do a set of swing ladders 10, 20, 30.  So for the 1 rep rung do 10 swings, 2 rep rung, 20, 3 rep rung 30.
Shake it out and skip rope, 50 jumps for 1 rung, 75 for 2 rung 100 for 3 rung as active recovery.

Yesterday, I dragged a 25 kg bell to the track at the local high school.  Same workout except instead of jumping rope, I jogged a lap around the track. Only did 3 ladders + a 2 rung.  Did Suitcase Carry for 1/4 mile.

I have found the 28kg is the perfect sweet spot bell for me.  Can press it for at least 6 reps on each side.  Swing it for 50.  Can snatch it if necessary.  15 get ups each side, but I haven't lied down on my garage.  I also like using single bells.  I think the asymmetrical load works well and there is more time under tension because you have to switch hands.

Next post will be about diet and health.

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