Friday, January 21, 2022

Adjusting Into Middle Age...Yoga anyone?

 Greetings from the injury couch.  

I need to stay off my foot until Monday when I see the podiatrist.  A case of Morton's Neuroma with a side dish of bursitis in the top of my middle and ring toes on my right foot.  I originally injured the foot jumping rope 10 or 11 years ago.  Since then, a little numbness once in a while, but it reared its ugly head in November from running.  I've stopped running and noticed it was getting better the last 2 weeks.  Yesterday, for some reason it was sorer than usual and I popped 800 mg of Advil that my son had from getting his wisdom teeth out.  When I got up to go to bed last night after watching TV and sitting for couple of hours, I couldn't put ANY weight on it.  It was throbbing.  Today it is about 75% but I made the appointment.  Add that to the arthritis/spacing/spurs in my left shoulder and you would think that I'm a physical wreck.  Hopefully I'll get cortisone shots for both and we'll evaluate.

Working around the shoulder has been easy enough.  I stopped doing pull-ups and strict presses.  Running a kettlebell chain program called Herky Jerky. It is keeping the conditioning up.  More importantly, I've been doing daily yoga for over a month.  Every day, except today, of course Yoga With Tim on YouTube has a 30 day challenge.  I'm doing the 2019 one and have completed 24 days. The best part is when he has the Orange County Yoga bunnies as his students.  

I can honestly say when I'm doing it, I count the minutes until it's over. BUT!!!! it works wonders.  My back feels bulletproof,  my shoulders, hips and hamstrings are completely loosened up.  I can do a crow pose for 2 seconds and my balance is significantly better.  It is exhausting and really a challenge.  Something I will definitely stick with.

My son was home from college where he started lifting.  19 years old, 6'2" and a long, lean 195 lb. While home on semester break he joined a gym with barbells.  Full of testosterone, he's making GAINZZZ all over the place and was chugging 2 protein shakes a day.  To be young and know what I know now.

Went as a guest his last day home before he went back.  I haven't lifted barbells in 5 years, so decided to peck around and see what felt good.  First the ugly: Threw 135 on the bench laid down did 3 sets of 5.  Form good, weight felt light, but both shoulders were like Rice Krispies. Especially my GOOD one!  Then squat rack.  Did a warm up set and my shoulder ACHED from reaching back and trying to grip the bar on my back.  Did a couple of sets of 225 for 5 after they stretched out.  But I figured with the yoga I wouldn't have had the issue of gripping the bar on my back

Now the good.  I did a standing military press for 3 at 115 lb. and just missed 135. As in if I wanted to shake and grind I might have gotten it, but what would be the point?  Then we went to the deadlift.  I ended up ripping 275 off the floor, no problem perfect form.  I had 315, easy but was too lazy to switch out the plates. 

I'm going to join that gym in the summer.  Monday and Tuesday I had soreness in places I didn't know existed.  

Add running and jumping rope to the "No More, You Can't Do" list.  I'm so glad that I didn't do 75 Hard, I would have had to quit today and start over 1/2 way through. 

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