Monday, January 14, 2019

Week 5 Kettlebell Muscle Medium Day

Was traveling for business week of 1/7/19, in New Orleans.  I had to get some hotel workouts in and they had some light Kettlebells.  

Pat Flynn's The Helion 35 kg
3 rounds 20 minutes
2,4,6,8,10 without putting bell down
10,8,6,4,2 without putting bell down
2,4,6 completed 8 all swings

2 hand swing
1 hand swing, L,R
Thruster L, R

30 minute run, 3.18 miles

45 lb. bell
3 rounds of ladders, 5,3,2
L, R
Press x 5
Row x 5
Swing x 10

Press x 3
Row x 3
Swing x 15

Press x 2
Row x 2
Swing x 25

Swing x 50

300 swings, 30 presses and rows.  Quick and effective.

6 rounds using a 35
One hand swing x 5
Snatch x 5
Clean and Press x 5
Reverse Lunge x 5
Row x 5

2 mile run


Had a 1982 Universal set up.  Did stack the leg press.  Did drop set on leg extension
3 sets x 10
Lat Pulldowns
Chest Press
Pec Deck
Leg Extensions
Leg Press

3.1 mile run, 15 minute walk on treadmill, Rolling hills.  This was a good run, also got about 18k steps in touring New Orleans,

3.25 mile run, 20 minute walk Rolling hills.  50 minutes total.  Inspired me to join the gym for treadmill use.  I like zoning out listening to tunes and doing an easy run


Today is the day, I start getting serious about my diet for 2019, I swear!.  
Back to Kettlebell Muscle. 

Week 5 Kettlebell Muscle Medium Day

45 lb. Bells 
6 Rounds
Rest 90 seconds between rounds

Double High Pull x 5
Double Snatch x 5
Military Press x 5
Front Squat x 5

Completed, sets 5 and 6 were hard. I did all the reps with good form, on 5th rep of set 6, took 2 deep breaths in the rack before I pressed. It is getting difficult. I've done some More Kettlebell Muscle complexes where I found medium day harder than heavy because of the shoulder fatigue.  I have a feeling doing the extra set, 6 vs. 5 and doing high pulls and snatches first causes this. 

Could I have gotten a 7th set today?  Great question, I'm glad I didn't have to find out. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Kettlebell Muscle Week 4 Heavy Day

Took Saturday off, Had 9.5 hours of sleep last night.  Woke up at 9:30 AM which is late for me.  If I sleep in, it's usually just past 8.  My wife does everything she can to wake me up.  Loud in the morning. Anyway, I overcame it.

Week 4 Kettlebell Muscle Heavy Day

Double 45 lb. kettlebells
90 seconds rest between rounds

4 rounds

Double Clean x 5
Double Military Press x 5
Front Squat x 5
Push Press x 6
Front Squat x 5

9 minutes. I finished strong, but it was uncomfortable at the end. Glad it's over

Heading to New Orleans for a week for sales kickoff and then spending the weekend.  Plan on working out 4-5 days, but it will be more of the dumbbell sets, run 3 miles stuff, just to get rid of some energy from spending 8-10 hours in a ballroom listening to presentations.  People justifying their roles...

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Kettlebell Muscle Week 4, Light Day

Banged this out in about 9 minutes.  The reduction in time from 120 seconds to 90 is a game changer.
No issue with the reps, just noticed I was breathing heavier and heart beating faster.

Double 45's
5 rounds, 90 seconds in between rounds

Double Swing x 5
Double Snatch x 5
See Saw Press x 5,5

Switched up which hand I started with, 3 on the right, 2 on the left.  Easy.

Going to do heavy day on Sunday, then a week off due to traveling. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Kettlebell Muscle Week 4 Medium Day

Took yesterday off as a rest day and got 8 hours of sleep.  Was about 54 hours between workouts.  Diet was clean. 20 hour fast, 2 egg 4 white omelet with 2 slices of ham, broccoli florets and spinach.  Dinner was a salad and roasted vegetables

Week 4 Kettlebell Muscle Medium Day,
Double 45 lb. bells

Rest 90 Seconds Between Sets

5 rounds

Double High Pull x 5
Double Snatch x 5
Double Military Press x 5
Double Front Squat x 5

Took just under 11 minutes. Cutting the rest down from 120 to 90 put my heart rate in the stratosphere! 184 BPM at the finish.  

Got all the reps, fatiguing, but smooth. The High Pull and the Snatch pre-fatigue the rear deltoids before the presses.  Should be interesting on week 6 with 7 rounds....

Going to do easy day tomorrow and take Saturday off.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Kettlebelll Muscle Week 3 Heavy Day

Long time no write.  I quit Kettlebell Burn Extreme, because I wrenched the sacrum in my back doing the density training of presses and squats.  I knew I dinged it with about 3 minutes left in the program doing front squats with double 70's.  A month later, I started the Up and Over from More Kettlebell Muscle.  I used 45's and ran the program as a chain vs. complex. Day 3 of that program was a memorable type of nasty, once the rest periods were reduced to a 1:1 ratio. I did interrupt the program for 12 days and did the 10k swings in 10 days program during Thanksgiving week.

Found the complete workout to the original Kettlebell Muscle by Geoff Neupert on Reddit's Kettlebell subthread.  The book is no longer published and impossible to find.  It is recommended you start light, lighter than you think with at least bells you can handle for 10 reps on the press.  I tested my 10 rep max on the press and did 13 with the 45's with a couple left in the tank.  I decided to TRY and run it as is laid out, with 4 days off a week and to do the double snatches between the legs not outside the legs.

One issue I have is I'm going away for a week on business down to New Orleans, so I'm trying to squeeze 2 weeks worth in 10 days.  For week 3 and week 4 of the program, this means, instead of the Monday Medium, Wednesday Easy, Friday Heavy, it looks like Medium, Easy on consecutive days, Day off, Heavy Day, Day off and repeat.

Today was heavy day for week 3.  Went to bed around 1:30 last night and had 7 hours sleep.  Went downstairs and did 5 rounds, 2:00 rest in between rounds.

Double Clean x 5
Press x 5
Squat x 5
Push Press x 5
Squat at 5

I honestly felt GREAT. My presses were strong for all 5 sets and I had no trouble completing it.  Finished with a 4 mile brisk walk around the neighborhood

Week 4, the rest periods drop from 120 seconds to 90.  The good news is the sets for Medium and Easy Day round drop back 1 to 5 instead of 6.

Happy New Year everyone!