Going to be entering my 50th year on this planet in less than a fortnight. Just putted out on the 10th hole of life and stepping up to the 11th tee box. Blue tees, not the white tees, thank you. As I approach it, I'm much more cognizant of my cardiac health. There are a number of reasons for this:
1. My blood pressure is elevated. And not in a good way. 140/95 way, though I just took it as I'm pretty relaxed and it was 137/80, which I'm ecstatic about. I would say it's 70% stress, 20% genetics 10% sodium. The good news is even with the stress I'm resilient according to my MeQuilibrium app, like off the charts high. Nothing life threatening or catastrophic for anyone. Stupid stuff, really. As my priest told me, just need to be patient with me and don't get worked up with things I can't control. It will play itself out.
2. Cholesterol is 244 though the HDL is higher than normal, need to address my diet better. Less meat and cheese.
3. Genetics Oh boy, do I have the genes. Maternal grandfather had first heart attack at 56 and second at 60, died just before his 61st birthday. 155 lb. man. Father, didn't take care of himself, 78, bypass at 54, congestive heart failure now.
The good news, my weight is low. 181-185. In December when I was a little more upset, it got to 177. Too low. The heart rate is low, 52-60 range. Next doctors appointment is the Ides of March.
I completed the last two kettlebell complexes. They were 9 weeks apiece, and finished in the second week of January. Decided to take a few weeks off by doing an Easy Strength template where you do 2 sets of 5 everyday of 5 different exercises. Completed 8 sessions out of 40 and the rear deltoids were just sore and stiff. For the core part I was doing Turkish Getups with a 70 and an 88. That might have been a bit much every day. I was in a kind of workout limbo just tinkering. Went to sales kickoff for my company in Phoenix and there was a gym across from the Kimpton which you could use for free with your hotel card.
Did some pull-ups, deadlifts, back squats, battling ropes. They even had kettlebells. I did a few sets of snatches with a 24, but there was no chalk and I didn't want to have the bell slip. From there my wife flew out and we went to Scottsdale and took a few days off. It was my second time in Scottsdale. It's Naples in the desert without all the old people. Loved it, would love to retire there, except....my whole family is in Naples. The only one left here in MA is me.
For another week, did the Planet Fitness routine, chest, back, 2 mile run as fast as I could on the treadmill. Actually did my fastest 1.5 miles in 9 years in 11:05. Was averaging about 16:30. Finally after traveling again 2 weeks ago to Atlanta, I finally went back to a couple of the More Kettlebell Muscle programs. One is a rowing program with kettlebells where you do 20 seconds of each exercise. The other is a jerk (how apropos!) program which I'm doing as a chain. Currently in week 2.
I'm also doing more running. Did 3.5 today on a mountain goat course where as you pass mile 2, you have to run up a curving hill as steep as Mason Street in SF. It took me the rest of the 3rd mile to recover. I made it and then turned into a stiff north wind. First 2 miles, were free and easy, last 1.5 was a tester.
I look back on the weights I was working with 5 years ago vs. now and I'm much weaker. Especially on the military press. Did double 70's for 1 rep 3 weeks ago when my cousin came down for the AFC championship game. It wasn't a clean and boom up it went. I used to be able to do sets of 3 in my sleep. Even 55's x 5 wear me down. But I'm good with it. I love kettlebells for the metabolic conditioning. Get your lift and your cardio in at the same time. Effective Minimum Dose.
My goals for exercise are to finish the programs I'm doing and not get hurt. Here's a injury report littered with my ego in overdrive.
1. Snatch test. Have done 100 in 5 minutes, 160 in 10. Blisters, blood blisters, dropped bell on the floor, hot spots on hands. I love the exercise and still do it. but one is always one bad rep away from it. Sweat, chalk, fatigue, bell pinches on way down. Boom blister. Just not going to test for reps.
2. Turkish Getups. Yes, I've passed the simple standard not only for the 32kg, but also the 40kg. Issue with heavy getups, is joint soreness in my elbow. Because the goal is to keep your arm as straight as possible, the elbow is locked out and gets sore. Once a week, good, every day, not good
3. Military Press. Completed up through a 32kg with the Rite Of Passage. Have clean and pressed an 80, for sets of 3 on each arm. (Don't show me those YouTube videos with guys pressing or snatching heavy weight with only one arm. If you can't do the other side, you can't do it) Cannot press the 88, not even close. I get really nicked up doing the that program for too long with the 32. Volume is just too much on heavy day. 75 each arm
Finally I realized in order to help de-stress, I needed to stop being so soft. This is kind of a mid January resolution, but I started playing piano again and basketball on Monday and Thursday nights. I've actually put basketball in my work calendar to hold myself accountable. I've played twice with a business trip on the other Thursday night. Day before yesterday was humbling. 4x4 side courts (70 feet vs 94) 5 games to 10. I was the oldest guy there by 7 years and 5 of the guys were in there mid 20's and could play. I would get really tired on the quick twitch change direction stuff. But I loved it. I couldn't shoot a lick. Terrible inconsistent release, no arc, unforgiving metal rims 1/2 moon backboards, but I did some good stuff out there as well and figure the shot will come back the more I play. Didn't think about getting hurt once Next morning was tough going downstairs to get coffee because my kneecaps were sore, but can't wait to do it again next week.
Do something you used to love and push yourself. Embrace scraping off the rust, you're a better man for it.