Monday, September 19, 2016

10,000 Swings in 10 Days Day 1

Welcome to my blog, post one.  I've been using kettlebells for over seven years.  They are the perfect fitness tool for me.  In that time, I've belonged to a gym and did barbells, I've been a runner and played soccer and basketball.  What I love about them is the metabolic effect you get using them.  You're strength and conditioning all in one place.

For the past month I've been doing an Escalated Density program every other day with double kettlebells and finished this week. Made good progress and decided to change to a less demanding lifting program.  I did the strength portion of my workout of presses and rows today and when I was finished, came across this article from T-Nation.

I've done a 10k swing workout before, but it was 500 swings a day and I did it in 20 workouts.  Didn't really see much of a change in anything.  What interested me about the 10 days was the changes in the people who participated.  Figured let's see what happens.  Doing this will lock me in and it's only 10 days.  20 days was too long. What's the most its going to take an hour tops?

My diet hasn't been great lately.  I traveled down to Austin, TX last week on business and basically jacked my cholesterol over 500 I would guess.  Brisket, ribs, sausage, bone-in rib-eye, jalapeno macaroni and cheese.  Fasted for 42 hours to get rid of the bloat.  Yesterday wasn't pretty either, played in a golf tournament, had beers and ate a lot after.  Weight's probably around 188-190.  Have had it as low as 182 this summer, been hanging around 187 for the most part since I got back from vacation in late August.

The older I get, the more I realize you can't out work a bad diet.  If diet is 80% when you're younger, I'll say it's 85, probably closer to 90% when you get in your mid to late 40's.  Also, I'm starting to think about blood pressure and cholesterol. So I want to watch my diet more.

Here's the good news, from a fitness perspective, I'm in kick-ass shape.  I did a metabolic kettlebell program in July/August with double 45 bells, and it involved a clean and jerk chain that was heinous.  Last week the second half of the EDT workout was double 70 squats alternated with double swings. 48 squats and 72 swings in 15 minutes will test your mettle.  I'm also running 2-3 times a week because it's nice out and I'm enjoying the weather. I've run as much as 7.75 miles 2 weeks ago and pretty much averaged 4-5 miles through steep, hilly terrain.

My only concern was if this was going to bother my lower back. Two hand swings usually don't but if I go high volume with one handed, it will bark from time to time.  I'll be mixing in 1 hand, 2 hand, and hand to hand. All different rep schemes.

About the swing.  I like it as an exercise but think it's overrated.  I'd rather snatch, but that can be WAY too rough on your hands, even with good form. 18 months ago, I did a stupid workout of snatching a 35 for reps of 7-8 every 15 seconds for 40 minutes.  That brought on nice case of tennis elbow that took 4 months to finally disappear.  Now with the swing, it's good to focus on things you'd rather not do.  My favorite swing workout is taking a heavy kettlebell and doing 10 reps of two hand swings every 30 seconds.

THE GOAL  9/19-9/28 10,000 swings in 10 days while eating healthy.

1,000 swings a day for 10 days. Swinging anaerobically, not going through the motions.  Using different size bells, starting with a 55, going up to an 88.  Either broken out in 2 rounds of 500 or just straight up 1000.  Plan on doing some presses with 70's, 3 x a week, about 30 reps.  Maybe some goblet squats, Turkish getups to warm up, no heavy front squats, no running. I will blog every day to hold myself accountable.

Going to the Patriots game on Thursday night.  Just chalk this up as a cheat meal. Maybe a dinner party over the weekend, but other than that free and clear. 

The most important part.  Will fast either 40 hours once or twice, or 24 hours three times in 10 days.
No bread or pasta. Limit sugar, even fruit, minimal dairy and only cheese. No alcohol,


I started today without weighing myself or really recording anything other than counting in my head.  I used a 55 lb. bell.  Only thing in my stomach was coffee and water.

I did it in two rounds of 500 broken up by 20 minutes picking my son up from school.  I did 600 2 hand swings, 300 1-hand swings and 100 hand to hand swings.  Mostly done in sets of 20-25.  I did a couple of sets at 50, and I did 100 one hand swings continuously in sets of 10.  500 took about 25 minutes give or take. I rested until I felt like doing the next set.  I wanted to do more sets of 50 and hopefully go for 100, however the sweat was dripping down my face and tickling my nose. It was not hard at all.  My back didn't tighten at all, no soreness.  It was like going for a 5 mile run.

I know this will get harder once I start using a 70 and an 88.  My only worry is whether my hands will hold up.  Toward the end, I could feel the callouses below my finger tips.  They'll probably need to be taped.

I'll weigh myself in AM tomorrow as well as log my eating.

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