Tuesday, September 27, 2016

10,000 Swings in 10 Days, Day 9

Number 9, Number 9, Number 9...

9,000 Swings officially in the books, 1,000 to go.  I hit the wall today.  Not the I'm going to quit wall, but more like, I can't wait for this 1,000 today to be over.

Weight: Woke up this morning feeling light, I figured, an omelet, last night, a 3 mile walk playing golf, 185 right?  Wrong 188.2, up 1.6 lbs.  Measured my waist around the navel, 36,  it went down an inch, so I didn't care.  Holding water, no big deal

Diet: Drank a lot of water today, to get rid of the water. At 12:30 had an omelet 3 egg, 3 egg white with 2 oz of steak, peppers, onions, broccoli, spinach and mushrooms.  Had a tablespoon of peanut butter and a handful of raisins for a snack.  Dinner tonight will be roast beef, salad and mashed potato.  Not eating garbage, but not getting cheated.

The Workout: Today was rough.  I decided to go heavy and just do a set of 50-100 every half hour.
Did 2 double 70 military presses and 2 rows before each round of swings.  The first five sets, I did one hand swings with a 70, 25L, 25R.  Then did 5 sets of 50 two handed swings with a 70.  The handles on my 70's are a little rougher and gritty.  Great for cleans and presses, not so great for 500 swings.  My hands really started bugging me.  Dropped down to a 55, which has an enamel on it and is a lot smoother.  Did 100 one hand swings all at once, switching every 10 reps.  Then switched between 1 hand and 2 hand sets of 20-30 until 900.  The last 100 were broken in 2 sets.  50 two hand swings rest 30 seconds, 50 more.  Done.

It just seemed to take forever and the heavier you go the rougher on your hands.  30 presses in sets of 2, weight was flying up. 30 rows, an afterthought to tell you the truth.

Sets of 50 have become really easy, even with a 70.  Need to take care of my hands tonight.  No blisters, just dry. 

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