Tuesday, December 27, 2016
2016 Review and Some Other Thoughts
After recovering from a lower back injury in February and March, I hung up the barbells, quit the gym and just focused on kettlebells and running. It worked out well for me. I lost my winter weight, and set some PR's. I'm not doing 315 x 10 on the back squat like I was doing, but who gives a care? I finished a 10,000 swing program in 10 days. I snatched 160 reps with a 55 in 10 minutes. I completed a couple of More Kettlebell Muscle programs that I hadn't done as well as press an 80 lb. kettlebell for 3 reps on each side. Conditioning wise, I ran 8 miles one day and even now can do a 10k at a moment's notice. Pushed a sled with my near decade younger cousin without losing my breakfast. Achieved Simpler and Sinister with an 88 without training for it. (100 consecutive one hand swings and 5 getups each side in under 10 minutes).
Currently, I'm repeating a program I had done about 2.5 years ago, but didn't complete as written. The Long Haul from More Kettlebell Muscle. Using Double 45's, I just finished Week 7 of the 9 week program. It's a complex that has Light Day, 3 exercises 30 seconds each, Medium Day, 4 exercises 30 seconds each, Heavy Day 5 exercises, 30 seconds each. Work:Rest ratio 1:2 first 3 weeks (heavy day has 5 minutes between rounds), 1:1.5 Weeks 4-6, 1:1 Weeks 7-9. Before week 7, I was throwing in some strength work on my off days. Low volume/moderately heavy. That was until last week....
Does the Minimal Effective Dose work? Well, of course it does. Water boils at 212 F. It doesn't need to get to 213. Well, that was my thinking at the 7th week. You get stronger and grow on your rest days after the stimulus of the weight work. So I decided I needed all the rest I could get with the rest periods of the Long Haul being 1:1. Started on Medium Day. 4 rounds, 2 minutes a round, rest 2 minutes. Total workout time 14 minutes. I was cooked. Upper back/shoulders exhausted, because I had to do double snatches, then press, followed by front squats. Front squats and snatches fry your upper back. Decided, I'm doing the last 8 workouts with as much rest as possible.
Took the next day off, as a matter of fact, fasted for 36 hours. I got back into it this month after, ripping on it in my last post. On Christmas Eve, ate a big breakfast. 3 eggs with cheese, toast, kielbasia and an orange. Figured I needed as much nutrition as I could before the workout. Waited 90 minutes and did heavy day...
Top 3 HARDEST workouts that I was able to complete this year. Probably the hardest. It was miserable. When double snatches are an oasis movement, you know the suck factor is high. On paper it looked challenging but not over the top. 4 rounds, 2.5 minutes. The issue was only resting 2.5 minutes between rounds vs. 3:45 or 5 minutes. 17 minutes and 30 seconds of hell. My shoulders ached, my calves hurt (no idea why), my heart rate according to my pulse and stopwatch was 218 per minute. I was junk when I was done. After 5 minutes I sat and meditated for 20 minutes. I couldn't get up off the floor after that. Just wiped out. All I could think was, I have to do 5 rounds next week and 6 the week after. How am I going to do that?
In hindsight, fasting the day before probably affected my performance. Took Christmas off and had a prime rib, potato pancakes and creamed spinach dinner. at 8 PM. Yesterday, I did easy day and it was 180 degrees from heavy day. Finished it barely breaking a sweat. Heart rate was 180, but wasn't gasping for breath. Only 10:30 seconds. So we'll see how the Minimal Effective Dose fares.
December has been a kick ass month for me. As President-elect Trump says, "Think Big and Kick Ass." For those of you who didn't vote for him, and that's fine, look at your investments over the last 7 weeks and get back to me. 17 new record highs in the Dow.
I decided to go into the New Year flying on a health kick vs. trodding slowly like a sloth. Started fasting for 36-40 hours once a week, no alcohol, meditating for 15-20 minutes daily, usually after working out. I've eaten well, whatever I want as a matter of fact. The results are: workouts have been better than ever, weight in the 186-187 range (that's good fighting weight for me), usually around 193-194 and trending upward in December, feel sharp as a tack and locked in. I've weaved and bobbed through every social land mine there is. 100 person Christmas party, huge cocktail party, out to dinner three times, Christmas Eve and Christmas day with my family. A nice bottle of Macallan 12 year as a gift from my father in law. No booze. I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight. Throw in the empty calories of alcohol and I gain. I'd rather eat than drink to tell you the truth. Lemon water on ice or soda is good with me.
Moderation in my opinion, doesn't work for my personality. I'm an all or nothing person. Abstinence is easier for me. Why? There is no negotiation. I'm fasting today. That means no food. My mind is made up, I'm done. Call it being a twin syndrome and having to share a womb. Abstinence gives you more room for error. Have you noticed most people don't finish things strong? They get to 80% and say, well that was a good effort, close enough. (Lean into the microphone, ) WRONG! You need to finish the job. Why fast only 24 hours, when the free fatty acids are highest in your blood at the 32 hour mark? You make it 24, suck it up for 4 more hours, go to bed and when you wake up, your body is in full fat burning mode. When you don't drink for a month, your skin glows from hydration, fat in your liver decreases by 15% and your cholesterol goes down 5-10%. Why blow those benefits and quit at 3 weeks?
Moderation is akin to picking at a scab. Abstinence is healing. It requires more mental toughness, but you don't go backwards. Abstinence is strength, moderation is a mind game. Constantly negotiating with yourself. Embrace the suck, start today, you'll get to your destination and goals faster.
I don't have or need to have a specific goal or any resolutions for Twenty Seventeen. Just keep on keeping on. Being grateful, continuing to enjoy the good life. A promotion and a nice President's Club trip with my wife are in the works professionally. Enjoying coaching my younger son's basketball and baseball teams and watching my older son, who was undefeated in tennis last year as a sophomore, play again this year. My younger son should start on number 2 doubles as an 8th grader, so I look forward to the challenge of running back and forth watching two matches.
The years fly by, try to make them all great. Happy New Year, God Bless You All.
Friday, November 25, 2016
My last heavy day, for all my rungs and ladders, I only cleaned it once and then pressed out the reps. I tried to adjust, but couldn't get it comfortable. Still there is a lot to like from the gains. However, I think it is a 4-6 week workout than you have to move on. Snatches, did 4 minutes straight without putting the bell down. Did 75 reps, wasn't testing, took my time, tried to get used to the endurance vs. cranking out reps.
The week off was good. I had to travel to Austin, TX for work for 3 days, and said, I'm not packing any workout clothes. I take 4 weeks off a year. If I don't, I get injured. So now for 3 days a week, I'm doing the Long Haul from the More Kettlebell Muscle book. Using 45's, it's basically a 9 week program, where you do sets of a double kettlebell complex. Easy day is 90 seconds broken up into 3 exercises, 30 seconds each all the way to heavy day 150 seconds. It's a program I've done before.
I'm two weeks through it. The good news, conditioning wise, I pass in flying colors. First week, it was 3 sets, rest 2x as long as the set. No problem. Second week, add a set. so 4 sets total. The 4th set on heavy day, the grip on my left hand was screaming. It went clean, squat, press, snatch, swing. The cleans were a grip fryer, 30 seconds is about 13 reps of cleans. The squats 10 reps, are an oasis on the grip, however, it fatigues the back of the shoulders. Then the presses first 3 sets about 9 reps, last set 7. Bring to the rack, breath deep 3 times, up, back down repeat. Now the panic starts to set in, the grip is weakening, the shoulders are tired and what's next? Oh goodie gum drops, double snatches. 9 the first 3 sets, 7 the last round. Swing the bells outside the legs, snap the hips keep the bells close, punch at the top, bring to the rack, try to relax breathing repeat. Finally double swings, at this point that swing that went to the chest the first three rounds, is getting to about the hips, because I'm hanging on to the bells for dear life.
Put bells down, heart rate is 180, breathing heavy but not gasping. We'll see how 5 sets go next time around. For the record, my shoulder and elbow are significantly better. ROP easy and medium day, awesome, heavy day, too much volume for this old coot.
The other three days I've been tinkering around with the heavy bells. One day, did sets of presses/squats/rows with the double 70's, then did some bottoms up presses. Was able to get 3 reps each arm with the 45. Next time, I did a complex of 10 sets of 5 press/squat/rows with the 55's. Then did 10 sets of 5 with 88's of deadlifts and double swings outside the knees.
Thoroughly enjoyed Thanksgiving yesterday. I did try to head the damage off at the pass yesterday, don't know if I succeeded or failed. Went out Wednesday night for drinks and appetizers with my wife. Thursday morning, did easy day of the Long Haul. Took 15 minutes. Rested for 10 and debated doing road work. Jog or sprints? Chose the sprints and somehow lived to tell about it. First 3 sprints were about 75 yards to the first mailbox on the adjacent street to my house. Moderate incline. Next 3 were 100 yards to the second mailbox, however the last 25 yards the incline is steeper. Hamstrings start to pump. Next 3 sprints are from the first mailbox to another mailbox. About 75 yards, but steeper than the other two sprints. Finally one sprint to the top of the hill from the first mailbox, about 100 yards, steep, sprint form gone to hell trying to drag my butt to the top. Walking home, huffing and puffing wondering if a heart attack was going to ensue. I pass by my neighbor's house, he walks outside with amusement, already drinking a mimosa to wish me a happy holiday and asks me what I'm doing to myself. Now it's 34 degrees out, no wind, and I'm in a hoddie, and t-shirt. My diaphragm is burning, I decide to take a cold shower for recovery. I come out after 7 minutes sweating still on my forehead.
Had 3 drinks and two helpings of everything at my brother's house and fell asleep for 90 minutes on the couch. This was after 9 hours of sleep the previous night. Going to put all those calories to good use today. My decision is whether to do it before or after basketball practice at 11. I'm coaching an 8th grade team. One of my favorite activities. I don't do Black Friday. My idea of Black Friday is to go on Amazon. Was going to buy a 80 lbs. bell, but now that I've quit the Rite of Passage, no need for that!
Hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Rite of Passage = Results
For easy day the following Sunday, I had rolled a 10 for snatches. Thought, "good day for a test." So instead of pressing first I did my snatches with a 25 kg/55 lb. bell. Chalked everything so much, my workout room looked like a winter wonderland. Put gloves on, so as not to worry about tearing up my hands or the perspiration from using enameled handled bells. Did 155 reps, a solid effort. It wasn't that terrible. Was I tired at the end?, sure, but not laying on the floor catching my breath. Started off doing 4 sets of 10 before putting the bell down, Toward the end was putting the bell down every 10 reps which slowed the number down. Was quite pleased. Today I followed that up doing 95 reps in 6 minutes which is a 162 rep pace. On an variety day Sunday, did 10 sets of 10 left, right with a minute rest in between sets. I just need to be careful of my elbows as to not get tendonitis.
After the 10 minute test, I did my presses and on the last ladder, just repped out. Did 6 on each side with a 32/70.
My numbers have been also improving on my swings with an 88. 120 swings in 5 minutes, 176 in 8 minutes. Two hand style.
Diet has been good, hanging in the 188 range, wouldn't mind dropping down to 185 for Thanksgiving. Ate Halloween candy too. My favorites, Snickers, $100,000 bar, Twix, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Kit Kat. The candy bar has shrunk SO much.
Have a 3 day hiccup coming up next week, need to travel to Austin for work so no kettlebell. I'll throw some running in just to move some calories around. Ran yesterday and today. It had been 3 weeks since I last jogged, and running up the hills in my neighborhood caused my diaphragm to scream. Legs felt great, didn't stop. Today, felt strong. Going to miss election day, but that's okay, I already performed my civic duty. If my side loses, I'll have plenty of beer and brisket to drown my sorrows.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Rite of Passage Week 3 Three PR's then Injury
Yes, I used gloves, chalked them up. Did sets of 10 on each side put the bell down for 20 seconds do it again. Did 131 in 9 minutes. Again, not even breathing that heavy. Grip was surprisingly strong. form excellent. Monday I did hill sprints. 10 of them with 4 different routes. Tuesday, my legs ached. On Tuesday I did heavy day later in the day at 6 PM. Had a business trip in Hartford and almost held off until Wednesday. Glad I didn't. The bell was flying up on my presses. Did 5 ladders in 55 minutes. Rolled another 8, this time did 176 swings with the 88 in 8 minutes. No grip issues at all.
Took Wednesday off to rest, Thursday was a variety day. Did 5 sets of backup presses with the 88. Backup means, start pressing the bell and then use your off hand to lightly assist. Once I got the bell in motion, I took my hand off the bell and did a 5 second descent back to the rack. Did about 8 reps total on each side. My swings have been going so well, I decided to do the Simple and Sinister test. I have never followed the program, but in order to reach "Simple," men must achieve 100 one hand swings in a row switching hands every 10 reps and then doing 5 Turkish Getups on each side in 10 minutes with a 70 lb. bell. Accomplished that a long time ago. I decided to try with the 88. I finished the swings in 2:47. My legs were complete jello and my heart rate was 186. Rested 5 minutes, banged out the getups in 7:30. The "Sinister" goal is 106 lbs. Never getting there, never buying the bell. I felt like I was in control of the 88, not the other way around.
Feeling pretty proud of myself, I started week 4 of medium day yesterday. Did my rows first with the 88, started my pressing, on rung 4, on the left side. pop. Pulled muscle between my shoulder blades, just to the left of my spine. Stretched out, started ladder 2, twinged a little more. Put the bell down, popped 2 aleve and that was all she wrote. Today, it feels a lot better, but not 100% Would love to go running or sprinting but we had 4 inches of rain last night, it's raining now with gust to 40 MPH. Not happening, just will rest up, probably until Monday.
Same thing happened last year. I did back squats, 10 reps at 315, two days later, back injury. Old age has a way of fighting back. Not worried, I won't lose strength, I basically own the 70.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Rite of Passage, Week 2 The Good The Bad and The Ugly
The Good
No issues pressing the 70 on heavy day, got all the reps, 75 each side. Did it under 60 minutes with one arm rows with an 88. The 88 has felt, manageable to tell you the truth. Did 166 swings/15 sets with an 88 in 8 minutes. Snatched for 2 minutes straight for 38 reps and wasn't breathing heavy afterward. Diet locked in. I took my buddy Tommy's advice, 3 squares. No more fasting. Done with it for now. 2 scoops of protein powder with apple or banana and milk, 3-4 egg/3 egg white omelet with kidney beans, broccoli, spinach, peppers and onions for lunch. Normal dinner, meat, starch, salad. Variety Day week 3, I was squeezed for time, did 4 sets of 50 two hand swings with a 70. Felt like I was doing a set of 20 swings.
The Bad
My kettlebells suck for snatching. I can't put it any other way. The 55's enamel handle gets slick with perspiration after about 15 reps. Need to drive over to Captain Calisthenics house and get one of his 52's. Nice way of asking huh, Tommy Rambo? Did 18 on the left side before it was going to fly out of my hand and 20 on the right. Grip great, breathing great, form good. It's all about the darn drop for me, one pinch and welcome to blood blister city.
The Ugly
Trying to snatch a heavier bell. On variety day with a 62. The drop with my left hand from the palm to the fingers. I wasn't catching it right and it caused my swing to go too low. did 3 sets of 5 each side and ended up pinching my left hand on the last rep. Not doing that anymore. One hand heavy swings instead. Doing isometric cleans on variety day with the thicker handled 88 lb bell. Dropped it to my fingers, whoopsie, thud and put another dent in the carpet. Going to put an area rug or rubber mats in that room. This occurred just before I tried snatching the 62, so let's just say, it was not the greatest of workouts
What's next?
Stay the course, medium day today, 50 reps each side. Rolled an 8, going to see if I can beat 166. I already rolled the dice for easy day and will be snatching for 9 minutes. I think I'm going to open it up a little bit and see how many snatches I can get. Yes, I will put gloves on.
Retired from indoor soccer. Just getting nagging injuries every year. Two years ago, big toe stepped on by a cleat, and a pulled right calf. Last year, kicked in the ribs, and lower back issue, which wasn't brought on by soccer, but kept me out of a session for a few weeks. I'll just have to remember what a legend I was in my own mind on the indoor pitch.
i am going to start playing basketball again. Just need to man up and get myself down to the gym. Hopefully the body will do what the mind wants.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Enter The Kettlebell, The Rite of Passage
This is one of best kettlebell books ever written. The goal is to snatch a 24kg kettlebell 200 times in 10 minutes and clean and press 1/2 your bodyweight. Two lofty goals indeed. Which is harder? Easy answer, both. If I was a betting man, I figure that the press would be easier. Not that's it's easy. But if you really wanted to eat like a horse, really work on your technique, and if your shoulders can take it, press, press and press some more you'd get there. Of course, gaining weight means making the press even heavier. The snatch test? Too many variables. I think when you get to a certain age, there is a limit on the type of condition you can be in. A month or so ago, I did something that jacked my heart rate up to 210. I was bragging to my cousin until he told me I was an idiot and that was too fast for my age. Second, hand care, one bad rep, blister, shelf. Third, grip strength, 100 in 5 minutes? Done it, give me 6 weeks and I'll get it again, now do 100 more? A noble goal. My all time best was 151, and in hindsight, had probably 160, but not much more. I've done 200 with a 16 kg in sets of 10 in 9 minutes, and it was fatiguing. Now add 20 lbs to each rep. Just remember it's the journey not the result, or so I'm saying as I start this. I'm going to stick with it for at least 12 weeks and see what happens.
The Workouts
5 per week
Easy day, 5 ladders of 1,2,3 cleans and presses alternated with Pullups, Roll dice, do the sum for x minutes snatches, nice and easy about 50-60% effort
Variety Day
Medium Day, 5 ladders, of 1,2,3,4 cleans and presses alternated with Pullups, Roll dice do swings for sum of minutes 75% effort
Variety Day
Heavy Day, 5 ladders of 1,2,3,4,5 of cleans and press alternated with Pullups, Swings at 85-90% effort
Days off before and after heavy day.
One change, I don't have a pullup bar. The one I had wasn't wide enough to fit the doorways in the house I moved into 2 years ago, so we're going to do one arm rows in place.
What should I do on a variety day? Anything you want as long as it isn't too strenuous and affects your pressing. See it as a practice. Or if you want to go for a run, do that.
This book, in my opinion does have it's weaknesses It's vague and also doesn't account for any type of squatting. So my suggestion is do some squatting of variety days if you like. I also don't believe you can get to 200 snatches on an easy day of snatching and under 12 minutes of swings alone, but we'll get to that later.
I'm through week 1 of the pressing, here's how it looked
Medium Day, 32kg/70 lb. kettlebell
5 ladders of 1,2,3,4 left then right cleans and presses supersetted
with 5 ladders of one arm rows 40kg/88 lb. bell (1,2,3,4)
Used random.org website to roll dice......Snake eyes! 2 minutes
2 x 30 with a 40 kg/88lb. bell 60 swings
Variety Day
Single kettlebell squat in the rack
40 kg/88 lb. 5 ladders of 1,2,3,4 Left and right
Two hand swings
40 kg/88 lb.
20 sets of 15 reps, 300 total. Rest until the top of each minute
I like these squats better than goblet squats. Not only do you get to practice a clean with a heavier weight, it hits your oblique and forces you to STAY TIGHT. If not, the bell will fall out of the rack.
Swings felt good. The 10,000 in 10 days made this a breeze
Easy Day 32kg/70 lb. kettlebell
5 ladders of one clean then presses (1,2,3) Left, Right supersetted with
5 ladders of one arm rows 40kg/88 lb. bell (1,2,3)
Rolled a 9 for snatches
55 lb. bell, 10 sets of 5L, 5R, one set of 4 L, 4 R 108 reps. Did them in a nice pace, didn't really open it up. Did my set, walk a lap around my basement, did another set. The bell felt light.
I did run 4.7 miles. On Saturday I was driving to pick my son up from work on this crappy road that is pothole mired. An 18 wheeler came at me, I moved to the right, BOOM, hit a crater. Bent my rim. When I miraculously made it home, there was 4 PSI in my tire. Allstate Auto came to change it and the rim was bent. Took it to my mechanic on Monday, $172 and a used rim later, I ripped off a letter to the next town's DPW asking for reimbursement. On Sunday there was a cone in the crater which I mentioned in the letter along with a picture of my rim and my paid invoice. It's the principle of the matter. It's the beginning of October not the end of March and winter. How about having a little pride and fixing your roads? I dropped the car off and ran from the mechanic's garage around a pond and home. Hadn't run in 2 weeks. Made it without stopping.
Heavy day 32kg/70. kettlebell
5 ladders of clean and presses (1,2,3,4,5) supersetted
with 5 ladders of one arm rows 40 kg/88 lb. bell (1,2,3,4,5)
I got all the reps, nothing got stuck. It was tiring, and took about 63 minutes. Some of the press were great, punching the bell from the rack overhead. Others, went up slower. 150 press is a lot.
Two hand swings, Rolled a 6
Did 6 x 20 and 1 x 12 with a 40 kg/88 lb. bell. Could really feel the grip in my foreams toward the end.
I like two hand swings better than one hand. I am of the opinion for endurance, it tests your grip better because the hands don't get a rest as when doing one hand. Easier on the hands as well.
Tomorrow will be an off day. I might go for a walk, but other than that, recover from this morning's beating
For variety day on Thursday, I'm going to do the squat workout but only ladders of 1,2,3. Either swings or hill sprints and maybe some loaded cleans and getups.
Tips on the Rite of Passage
As having moved from 55 lbs. to successfully completing 70 lbs. presses here are some tips.
1. Don't kill yourself on variety days. You should feel good when you're done, not peeled off the floor. 50-60% exertion is good.
2. Always go hard on your swing days with good form. 85-90%, also use a bell heavier than the snatch bell.
3. Before jumping up to the next kettlebell, own the bell you are using. If you can complete heavy day with the bell you are working with, keep using it. This will build a pattern of success and help you lock in your form. 8-12 sessions should do it.
4. If you miss a set or 2, put the bell down, shake it out, finish the reps. 1,2,3,4,3,2 still equals 15. You're still getting the volume in, it's just taking an extra couple of sets.
5. The clean is the key to a good press. If your clean isn't crisp and you don't get tight, you're press will stink too.
6. When you press, extend your alternate arm and make a fist to keep tension throughout the body. It works.
7. Have the bell deep in your palm and squeeze the handle tight. If you get stuck, squeeze harder, the bell will move.
8. Flex your lats and pack your shoulder. This will protect your shoulder and you will have a stronger press.
9. Get an intermediate bell. Seriously, invest the money. Going from a 24 to a 32 is 17.6 lbs. A 62 will cost $100 or 3 months of a membership at a real gym. You'll get at least 3 months out of it. Most people quit because they either get bored, or try to make too big of a jump. I still use my 62. It's good for snatches and swings. I'm going to invest in a 36 kg around Christmas time myself. I've tried to press the 88. I can't press the 88. Push press, sure, turkish get up, absolutely. Strict press, no. I can press a 79 and have done it this year at a gym in San Francisco. Did 3 reps each side actually.
All for now, stay tuned for updates.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days Day 10 9/28/16
The Workout: Used a 62. Hands had healed by the time I got to the workout. Did 6 x 6 for Goblet Squats, one set before each 100 swings for the first 6 sets. Did 740 two hand swings, 260 one hand swings in 61 minutes. Didn't use a timer just turned on the TV, watched sports shows and swung away. Last 500, I did, a ladder of 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50 then back down. Done.
The Diet: Yesterday had scrambled eggs,with cheese, turkey kielbasia and an orange for lunch, a protein shake at 4 PM with an apple, peanut butter, milk and coconut oil. Wasn't hungry after the workout, just skipped dinner.
Weight: 186.8 -3.6 Waist 35.5 down 1.5
Feedback: I always felt the swing was overrated and preferred to do the snatch. I've really come around on the swing. It's simple to learn and effective. If you do it the right way, your back shouldn't even come into play. I've noticed my shoulders and arms are more defined after 10 days. I've definitely lost fat. My pants are a lot looser. You will be hungry doing this workout.
My grip increased, sets of 40 and 50 with a 70 were easy. I can do sets of 40-50 with the standard, 55 all day long. 1000 swings can seem daunting, but it's basically an hour. I had zero soreness at the end other than my hands, no back issues, nothing. I'd rather do this than farmer's carries. Just my preference.
I've read where the body adjusts and you start getting diminished returns with the swing. I don't know if I agree with that. Would I push it and do another 10,000? No, I think that would be overtraining and too much of a good thing. This is more of a shock cycle. However, I think, you need to do at least 300-400 swings to get any real results. I would compare 100-200 to jogging a mile or 2. 300 swings can easily be done in 15-20 minutes with a moderately heavy weight.
I didn't even think it was that tedious. Not as boring as the Russian Bear. Nothing is as boring as the Russian Bear, or German Volume Training.
Make sure your form is locked in, you're mentally ready and you take care of your hands. You MUST take care of your fingers and callouses. I did use fingerless gloves, wrap a layer of a towel around the handle and chalk when I started sweating. Don't do this with kettlebells that have rough handles.
What's next? Day off today obviously, going to try and lock down my diet. A lower volume heavier approach with presses, like a 10 x 3 and a 10 x 5 for squats. Start doing more hill sprints, vs jogging.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days, Day 9
9,000 Swings officially in the books, 1,000 to go. I hit the wall today. Not the I'm going to quit wall, but more like, I can't wait for this 1,000 today to be over.
Weight: Woke up this morning feeling light, I figured, an omelet, last night, a 3 mile walk playing golf, 185 right? Wrong 188.2, up 1.6 lbs. Measured my waist around the navel, 36, it went down an inch, so I didn't care. Holding water, no big deal
Diet: Drank a lot of water today, to get rid of the water. At 12:30 had an omelet 3 egg, 3 egg white with 2 oz of steak, peppers, onions, broccoli, spinach and mushrooms. Had a tablespoon of peanut butter and a handful of raisins for a snack. Dinner tonight will be roast beef, salad and mashed potato. Not eating garbage, but not getting cheated.
The Workout: Today was rough. I decided to go heavy and just do a set of 50-100 every half hour.
Did 2 double 70 military presses and 2 rows before each round of swings. The first five sets, I did one hand swings with a 70, 25L, 25R. Then did 5 sets of 50 two handed swings with a 70. The handles on my 70's are a little rougher and gritty. Great for cleans and presses, not so great for 500 swings. My hands really started bugging me. Dropped down to a 55, which has an enamel on it and is a lot smoother. Did 100 one hand swings all at once, switching every 10 reps. Then switched between 1 hand and 2 hand sets of 20-30 until 900. The last 100 were broken in 2 sets. 50 two hand swings rest 30 seconds, 50 more. Done.
It just seemed to take forever and the heavier you go the rougher on your hands. 30 presses in sets of 2, weight was flying up. 30 rows, an afterthought to tell you the truth.
Sets of 50 have become really easy, even with a 70. Need to take care of my hands tonight. No blisters, just dry.
Monday, September 26, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days, Day 8, 9/26/16
The Diet: No fast today, had a protein shake, with apple, milk, almond butter and coconut oil for breakfast. Had one beer after golf with friends. Ate 4 slices of deli ham and 2 slices of cheese plus an apple for lunch. Had baby carrots and hummus for a snack. Dinner was a 3 egg 3 egg while omelet with ham, cheese, baby spinach, red kidney beans, broccoli and onion.
Drank a lot of water, shot a 47. Died on the last 3 holes.
8,000 down, 2000 to go.
10,000 Swings in 10 Days Day 7 9/25/16
Fasted until dinner at 6:30. Steak, potatoes and grilled beets and a salad. Glass of Zinfandel with dinner and an Irish decaf coffee for dessert.
Scale reading Monday Morning: 186.6 -3.8 As I said really going to lock the diet down Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days, Day 6 9/24/16
Had 2 scotches, one before dinner one after and a beer with dinner. Yeah, broke the no alcohol pledge. Dinner last night was a bone in New York Strip, 2 fried eggs and a 2/3 bag of frozen asparagus boiled.
Social get together today, going to be a high calorie day.
Weight: 187.2 Going low carb, fasting and swinging heavy bells has it's advantages. -3.2 in 5 days with what could be called a mediocre diet, which after today will be tightened up Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
I have no soreness at all, nothing, zippo. Hands are callousing, treating them with a pedi-egg and Cornhuskers Lotion a couple of times a day. Lately before this experiment, when I woke, my sacrum was a little tight. All the swings have loosened it. I haven't noticed it at all.
The Workout: Used the 61.6. Did Goblet Squats 1,2,3 over the first 600, 36. Did 500 one hand and 500 two hand swings in 60:28. 3 minute improvement. I honestly thought I was under an hour. First 200 were one hand swings, then 200 two hand swings. 10L, 10R, 15L, 15R, 20L, 20R for the one handed, 10,20,30,40 for the 200. Then I started doing a set of 10 swings every 30 seconds switching every 100 swings. Finally for the last 100, 2 hand swings, 4 x 25. Finished strong. Fatigued and sweaty. 6000 in the books, 4000 to go.
Did it at 2 PM in a fasted state from last night. Was busy this AM driving my son to work and cleaning the house top to bottom. Then picking him up. Tomorrow will probably be a heavy day with a light day on Monday.
Friday, September 23, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days 9/21/16 Day 3
189.8 down .6 I ate a lot at dinner last night, more than I wanted.
Split the workout into two phases today. This AM, I alternated double 70 military presses and rows in sets of 1-2 with a set of 20 swings with an 88 lb. kettlebell. Ended up doing 25 presses, 30 rows and 300 swings. Hands felt good, I did use fingerless gloves in order to chalk my hands with out frying them. Took my time, more get the reps in with a heavy weight vs. anaerobically. Then started doing 100 swings hourly with a 70 in a grease the groove style
1st hour, 25,25,25
2nd hour, 34,34,32
3rd hour, 50, 50
4th hour 50, 50
Broke 15 hour fast at 10:45 with a 5 egg omelet with spinach, 2 slices of horseradish cheddar cheese and 4 oz. of light turkey kielbasia, had 2 tablespoons of peanut butter for a snack at 1 PM. Had a couple of slices of cold cut turkey and a handful of raisins at 5
10,000 Swings in 10 Days, Day 5 9/23/16
The Tailgate Gluttony At It's Finest
6 beers, 4 Coors Original, 2 Miller Lites. Before game over 3 hours.
Potato Chips and Onion Dip
Buffalo Wings
A small slice of kielbasia
Grilled chicken breast in lemon, olive oil and garlic
Grilled lamb gyro (Awesome)
And the best of it all, you ever had Bacon Explosion? Holy cow. It's like grilled sausage meat loaf wrapped in bacon. Yeah, throw some some cole slaw on the bulkie roll as well.
Man, was I full on the walk into the stadium. Felt like Thanksgiving, in a good way.
Walked back to the car and had a coke on the ride home.
Did not weigh myself. You might say, Why? Don't you want the truth? No it will discourage me and I'll say screw it. It's not a correct number, it's all water weight.
The Workout
1/2 way home. Best one I've had so far, but took me over an hour and twenty minutes. All two hand swings. Put 5 kettlebells side to side 88, 2 70's, 61.6, and 55.
20 Rounds
Clean and press double 70's once then row them. put them down. Immediately grab the 88, do 5 swings, then a 70, do 10, than a 61, do 15, finally the 55, do 20. No rest, 50 reps.
However, the next round, 10 swings @ 88, 5 swings @ 70, 20 swings @ 61, 15 swings @ 55.
Then 20 swings @ 88, 15 @ 70, 10 @ 61, 5 @ 55
Finally 15 swings @ 88, 20 @ 70, 5 @ 61, 10 @ 55. So changed the rep scheme.
Ended up being 250 reps of each.
The Diet:
Worked out in a fasted state, currently at 20 hours of a food fast. I did drink a Coke around 11:45. Plan on holding off until dinner. Going to grill a steak, have a salad and another green vegetable. Was holding a lot of water this AM as you might expect. Weigh myself tomorrow.
Mentally, this has not kicked me in the butt yet, but, I am a lake from sweating when I'm done. 5 down 5 to go.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days Day 4 9/22/16
Started by doing 10 Turkish Getups on each side with a 55. Did 1000 swings with a 55 in 54:44. Did about 650 two hand swings and 350 one hand swings. Mostly sets of 10-20. Did one set of 60 and two sets of 40. I started by doing 2 hand swings at the top of each minute until my grip started fatiguing. Then went to one hand swings to rest the grip. Heart rate was 162 when I finished. Hands held up well as I put the bell deeper into my hand instead of fingers. Felt great no soreness at all. Just a lot of sweat.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days 9/20/16 Day 2
Had one meal yesterday, spinach salad, quinoa and homemade buffalo chicken strips. The chicken probably wasn't the ideal thing to eat, but that's what was made and I ate a lot of it. For recovery last night, took a hot tub with Epsom salts.
Weight: 190.4. I actually guessed it right on the nose. Holding some water, I'm guessing.
Waist: Around the belly button. 37.0
Woke up, no soreness, fingers feel good, I shaved down callouses last night.
Did 1000 swings in 63:33. 680 2 hand swings, 210 1 hand swings, 100 hand to hand swings. Also did 6 goblets squats per 100 swings for the first 600. Used a 28 kg bell (61.6 lbs) This is probably the best bell for me to use doing this. It was a challenge and I was breathing pretty heavy after 400. I also just breathed through my nose. Fingers, especially on my right hand, started getting hot around the big knuckle. I adjusted by wrapping the handle in a cloth hand towel to tone down the friction. Started 10, 15, 25, 50 then, by the end was just doing sets of 10-15. Grip didn't really get tested, I tried to swing explosively, but fatigue sets in. No tightness in back or hamstrings.
2 cups of black coffee this AM.
Ate at 10:45 after a 15 hour fast. 3 egg, 4 egg white omelet with broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, peppers, onions, a slice of ham and 2 slices of horseradish cheddar cheese. Also popped a small piece of leftover chicken in my mouth while cooking. Used coconut oil to cook.
2 scoops of protein powder and water at 2:30
Had a tablespoon of peanut butter at 5
Dinner was the same as last night. I was hungry Chicken Quinoa and a salad.
Hands are feeling better in the evening. I'm going to do the swings later on in the day tomorrow to rest them. I will do some presses and rows in the AM. Do around 30 reps apiece. Ladder style an easy practice.
Monday, September 19, 2016
10,000 Swings in 10 Days Day 1
For the past month I've been doing an Escalated Density program every other day with double kettlebells and finished this week. Made good progress and decided to change to a less demanding lifting program. I did the strength portion of my workout of presses and rows today and when I was finished, came across this article from T-Nation.
I've done a 10k swing workout before, but it was 500 swings a day and I did it in 20 workouts. Didn't really see much of a change in anything. What interested me about the 10 days was the changes in the people who participated. Figured let's see what happens. Doing this will lock me in and it's only 10 days. 20 days was too long. What's the most its going to take an hour tops?
My diet hasn't been great lately. I traveled down to Austin, TX last week on business and basically jacked my cholesterol over 500 I would guess. Brisket, ribs, sausage, bone-in rib-eye, jalapeno macaroni and cheese. Fasted for 42 hours to get rid of the bloat. Yesterday wasn't pretty either, played in a golf tournament, had beers and ate a lot after. Weight's probably around 188-190. Have had it as low as 182 this summer, been hanging around 187 for the most part since I got back from vacation in late August.
The older I get, the more I realize you can't out work a bad diet. If diet is 80% when you're younger, I'll say it's 85, probably closer to 90% when you get in your mid to late 40's. Also, I'm starting to think about blood pressure and cholesterol. So I want to watch my diet more.
Here's the good news, from a fitness perspective, I'm in kick-ass shape. I did a metabolic kettlebell program in July/August with double 45 bells, and it involved a clean and jerk chain that was heinous. Last week the second half of the EDT workout was double 70 squats alternated with double swings. 48 squats and 72 swings in 15 minutes will test your mettle. I'm also running 2-3 times a week because it's nice out and I'm enjoying the weather. I've run as much as 7.75 miles 2 weeks ago and pretty much averaged 4-5 miles through steep, hilly terrain.
My only concern was if this was going to bother my lower back. Two hand swings usually don't but if I go high volume with one handed, it will bark from time to time. I'll be mixing in 1 hand, 2 hand, and hand to hand. All different rep schemes.
About the swing. I like it as an exercise but think it's overrated. I'd rather snatch, but that can be WAY too rough on your hands, even with good form. 18 months ago, I did a stupid workout of snatching a 35 for reps of 7-8 every 15 seconds for 40 minutes. That brought on nice case of tennis elbow that took 4 months to finally disappear. Now with the swing, it's good to focus on things you'd rather not do. My favorite swing workout is taking a heavy kettlebell and doing 10 reps of two hand swings every 30 seconds.
THE GOAL 9/19-9/28 10,000 swings in 10 days while eating healthy.
1,000 swings a day for 10 days. Swinging anaerobically, not going through the motions. Using different size bells, starting with a 55, going up to an 88. Either broken out in 2 rounds of 500 or just straight up 1000. Plan on doing some presses with 70's, 3 x a week, about 30 reps. Maybe some goblet squats, Turkish getups to warm up, no heavy front squats, no running. I will blog every day to hold myself accountable.
Going to the Patriots game on Thursday night. Just chalk this up as a cheat meal. Maybe a dinner party over the weekend, but other than that free and clear.
The most important part. Will fast either 40 hours once or twice, or 24 hours three times in 10 days.
No bread or pasta. Limit sugar, even fruit, minimal dairy and only cheese. No alcohol,
I started today without weighing myself or really recording anything other than counting in my head. I used a 55 lb. bell. Only thing in my stomach was coffee and water.
I did it in two rounds of 500 broken up by 20 minutes picking my son up from school. I did 600 2 hand swings, 300 1-hand swings and 100 hand to hand swings. Mostly done in sets of 20-25. I did a couple of sets at 50, and I did 100 one hand swings continuously in sets of 10. 500 took about 25 minutes give or take. I rested until I felt like doing the next set. I wanted to do more sets of 50 and hopefully go for 100, however the sweat was dripping down my face and tickling my nose. It was not hard at all. My back didn't tighten at all, no soreness. It was like going for a 5 mile run.
I know this will get harder once I start using a 70 and an 88. My only worry is whether my hands will hold up. Toward the end, I could feel the callouses below my finger tips. They'll probably need to be taped.
I'll weigh myself in AM tomorrow as well as log my eating.